Chapter 15: Apology

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Ian was teaching us the choreography and we were both doing it quite well. I don't want to brag but it will not be wrong to say that I am a professional dancer and I learn any choreography very well and very fast BUT today it wasn't me who was doing everything perfect but SHE. She was copying each and every step exactly the way he was teaching. Her moves, her expressions, everything was so damn perfect. Incredible! She was just incredible and it was making me a little jealous.

 Incredible! She was just incredible and it was making me a little jealous

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"Mayson, what's wrong with you? You are not matching your standard today." Ian said.

"I uh, I think I am tired." I said.

"Are you sure? Because ever since I started teaching, you have been less dancing and more staring at someone." He said and sniggered which made me realise what the heck I actually was doing.

Embarrassing! I thought.

"Well guys, let it be today. We will continue it tomorrow." He said and left me alone with HER.

I sighed and heard "this brat got obsessed with my dance." The voice was too low but loud enough for me to hear.

"What? What did you just say?" I asked.

"What? I didn't say anything." She said.

"No, you said something, I heard clearly." I said.

"If you've heard CLEARLY then why are you asking? And what if I said something. It's not like speaking is ban here." She said harshly and was about to leave when I grabbed her hand and pinned her against the wall very harshly making her eyes widen in shock.

" She said harshly and was about to leave when I grabbed her hand and pinned her against the wall very harshly making her eyes widen in shock

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"Listen Ms Maya Stewart, behave yourself. And no, I am not obsessed with you. Not at all." I said sternly.

She was frozen for a moment but what the hell! It wasn't even a blink of a moment, when I realised that I was being pinned against the wall and she grabbed my hoodie's collar while looking at me redly. She slowly brought her face close to my ear and whispered, "I didn't say you're obsessed with me. I said that you're obsessed with my dance." She took her hands off me and walked a bit far and said, "I didn't expect you to behave like this, Mr Forbes. Is this how you treat women? You are all the same." She whispered the last sentence and I saw her eyes became glossy. She left the room and I was awestruck by her statement. For a moment I couldn't understand the situation. I held my head and sat on the floor, as soon as I realised I had made a mistake. A huge mistake. No matter how bad she was, I shouldn't have done that to her. No matter how rude she was, she was my savior.

I have never treated anyone like this in my life. First time I treated someone like this and that too with a woman. I messed up. I just messed up. I thought and felt guilty for what I had done. I stood up and ran outside to find her because there is no way I would not apologize to her.

(Maya's POV)

I was walking down the street when someone called my name, "Ms Maya..." I turned and saw a familiar figure, who was drenched in sweat and panting heavily.

"I-I asked everyone one in the dance studio and everyone told me that you have left. So, I-I" He said awkwardly scratching his neck.

"Were you following me?" I asked raising my brows.

"Yes...huh?...noooo...not... I mean I was following you but my intention was not wrong. I followed you so I can apologize. I-I am sorry." He said. Did he come running all the way just to apologise? He is indeed a thing. I thought.

"Okay" I mumbled.

He just stood there, l don't know for what.

"What?" I asked.

"I said I am sorry but you didn't say anything." He said.

"I said okay... you really have a hearing problem." I said and he growled making his Pikachu face like always, "This is the reason...This is the reason I had lost my patience and behaved like that earlier. Why the hell can't you just behave normally?"

"Normally! Look who is saying...who literally threw me against the wall and threatened me." I growled back.

"I didn't threaten you...and...and you also LITERALLY threw me against the wall and..." Before he could finish his words I said, "and that's called self defence. What I did was defensive, unlike you."

He was taken aback and stood there silently for a moment.

"Look, whatever I did, I accept my mistake and I am truly sorry. If you can't accept my apology then I can't do anything. I promise I won't bother you again." He said sadly and ran.

I don't know why, but I felt quite bad because he was genuinely sorry for what he had done. I started thinking about the way he caught me and pinned me against the wall. It won't be a lie if I say that I felt vulnerable for a moment but at the same time I felt safe. I don't know why I had this strange feeling but I felt safe and warm in his arms. He came running all the way to apologise to me. He is not that bad. What the hell am I even thinking! He is my enemy. I won't forgive him easily. Let's have some fun. I thought and smirked.

(Monica's pov)

I have called him millions of times since morning but he isn't recieving my calls. Is he that angry on me that he is not even pickup up my calls...or has something happened to him? I haven't heard from him for so long. Is he okay? Where is Maya though? She also didn't come home since last week. Did she...did she do something bad to him? I thought and dialled his number again, but as before there was no answer. "Why are you not picking up?" I mumbled and sighed deeply.

Where are you Mayson? Why am I getting worried about you so much? You never left my brain even for a second. Since that day... since the day you've been gone, I've only been thinking about you. Only about you. Why? I thought.

"I miss you..." I whispered to myself and then heard my phone ring. I looked at the caller ID and it was none other than HIM. I immediately picked up and said, "hello Mr Forbes?"

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