Chapter 6: Surprise Package

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The next morning, I turned on the TV and switched the news channel. Headlines about some murders from last night were popping out. Well this is not a new thing, everyday whenever I see news it is all about murder rape robbery and all. No wonder the crime and violence in our city is increasing day by day. I thought about the incident of last night.

Breaking news: Three dead bodies found near the 'Flower valley' road.

Headlines were flashing on the TV screen and I was shocked to see the name of the place and the faces of those killed. It was the same place I went to last night and the same people from whom I saved that lady. It was told in the news that according to the police, these three have been murdered in a very strange way. It is being told that someone took out all the blood from their body and they have died due to lack of blood. It was also told that they have sharp and deep bite marks on their necks. However, the police suspected that it could be the work of any wild animal but I don't think that this is the work of any animal because there isn't any forest anywhere in that area.

Though I am not that upset because they deserve it after what they did yesterday but still it's very strange and dangerous. Now whether it is human work or animal's one thing is certain that going out at night is not free from danger for anyone specially those who work till late at night.

I was wondering when the door bell rang. I got up and opened the door.

"Good morning sir, here's a parcel for you." The man said handing me a package.

"Thank you" I said and closed the door.

Parcel? But I didn't order anything. Maybe dad has sent something. I thought and started unpacking it.

I was shocked to see the material in it. It was a black leather jacket, the same jacket that I gave to that lady last night. I quickly unfolded it and found my ID card wrapped in a handwritten letter with a visiting card.

I started reading it...


Hello sir,
How are you? I hope you are doing good.

Here, I want to say thank you for saving me last night and I'm sorry for bothering you. I'm sorry that I couldn't return your things at that time so I'm returning it to you now.

You must be thinking that how did I get your address, right? Actually I found your ID Card in its pocket and got your address from there so I thought to return it to you as soon as possible because I know it's very important to you and you must be getting worried about it.

When I saw your face last night, I suspected that you are not him? But I brushed off my thoughts thinking that I'm not so lucky. But after returning home when I found your ID, I was shocked. I was frozen for a moment when I realised who you really are!

You might not believe me but I'm a huge fan of yours and I have always wanted to see you in person and see, yesterday my wish came true. Although I never thought of meeting you like this but still I'm very happy. At least I got a chance to meet you.

Once again thank you for everything.

Oh! One thing more I didn't tell anyone about this matter and I won't unless you want me to. I promise to keep it a secret so you don't have to worry about it.

-Monica Stewart


I saw the visiting card and found that she is a doctor. I felt guilty for suspecting her to be some bad person and whispered, "Dr. Monica" I smiled and thanked her in my mind.

She must be a really good person, otherwise who will do such a noble work in today's world? She had every chance to reveal my identity to the whole world, if she wanted, she could have misused it, but she did not do so. She is really nice. I thought and smiled happily.

I picked up my phone and dialled Kyle...

"Heelloooo" he said in a sleepy voice. It's ten o'clock in the morning and this brat is still sleeping. I thought.

"Hey Kyle, wake up. Do you know what just happened?" I asked.

"No I don't, le mee sleeep" he said.

"WAKE UP MR. MANAGER" I shouted.

"Whoa whoa what happened? Who died?" He spoke abruptly getting wide awake and I heard a loud thud. He fell off his bed, I guess.

"No one died idiot. There's a good news." I said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I got my ID back." I said proudly plastering a huge smile on my face.

"Oh okay...wait what! You got what?" He asked getting surprised.

"I got my ID back just a few minutes ago." I said.

"You got your ID? How?" He asked.

I told the whole thing and he said, "wow she is really nice. You should appreciate her for this."

"Ofcourse I do and you should appreciate her too because you won't have to worry about finding it anymore." I said.

"Yeah, good for me. She kinda saved me but be careful because next time if you do any bullshit, I am not gonna help you" he said in a warning tone.

"Hehehe! don't get angry. I won't bother you again." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"I hope so" he said and hung up.

I picked up my jacket and smiled remembering her face from last night. She was pretty and quite young. She is a doctor, right? What era has come? The person who saves the lives of others, yesterday her own life was in danger. Thank God that I reached there on time.
It's good that those three bastards died. The same should happen to such people. But still it's not safe because no wonder there are more such people who are roaming outside freely. I thought about what I saw in the news and for some reason I felt a deep urge to save her from this evil world.

I caressed the letter and whispered her name again. I wish she stay safe.

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