Chapter 1: Who Saved?

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(Mayson's pov)

Spotlight, camera, media, conference, huh! I am getting sick from them now. I miss my early life. I miss my home, my parents, my brother, my friends. I miss everyone.

I can not lead a normal life. I can not live my life on my own way. I can not go out anywhere freely. I can not dress the way I want. I can not even eat the food I really want because of my goddamn weight. Being famous making me sick now.

Everyone wants to be like me but I want to be like everyone else. I want to live a normal life. No camera flashes, no other celebrities, no controversies. Just a normal life. Nine to five job, back home, watch a movie with some pop corn and a cold drink, hanging out with friends on the weekends.

Sitting on the couch I was wondering what the hell I am living in meanwhile my phone rang and I picked up.

"Hey Kyle" I said.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" He asked.

"For what?" I asked.

"God man! Have you really forgotten? We are going tomorrow." He said.

"Oh! Yeah-I am sorry. Remembered now." I said.

"Mayson, are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes" I replied.

"Maysi I know you are feeling stressed these days. That's why I planned this tour." he said.

"Hmmm... I know." I said.

"Look, I am not forcing you. I will cancel the plan if you don't want to go." He said.

"Hey no no no don't cancel it. I will go." I said.

"Ok then, good night. See you tomorrow." He said and hung up.

Kyle is my manager, not just my manager but my best friend. He is a very nice and lovely person. He is loving, caring and most importantly he is dependable. Although he sometimes pulls me up and sometimes does such silly things that I don't know if I should spin him or laugh at him but still he is my best friend as he is. He is the only person after my parents whom I can blindly trust.

I moved to my bedroom and started packing the traveling bag. I have to leave for the tour the next morning. "If I will not go I may be killed my him. After all I promised to come with him." I whispered and smiled as I packed my bag.

I don't know where we will go. This is a surprise tour for me. I'm a little worried about what would happen if he took me to a beach. But he knows I'm afraid of water and I can't swim so he won't do anything like that. Correct?

I had developed this fear when I was seven years old. Eighteen years have passed since that incident but I still can't get it out of my mind. Far from going to the shore of any water, it is scary to even think. Nightmares come at night and strange thoughts during the day. Whenever I go near any water bodies, the same scene comes to the fore again and again.

It was years ago. We used to go to our village in the summer season. There was a deserted forest at some distance from our village. It was so deserted that people were afraid to go there. Even there were no wild animals in it. There was a very old well in that forest. Some people believed that this well is haunted and all the cursed creatures live inside it. I don't know whether that well is still there or not? Because after that incident I had heard that it will be permanently sealed.

Once in the evening I was playing hide and seek with my friends. As I had to hide I started looking for a place where no one could find me. I quickly ran towards the forest and after running for some distance I found that I am lost.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I panicked. I sat under a banyan tree and started sobbing. I cried and shouted for help but there was no one. After a few minutes the sun set and it was completely dark. I didn't know what to do and got more panicked.

Suddenly, I heard some hissing sound. I looked up and saw a snake that was only a few inches away from me, hanging from the tree branch. I got up screaming and started running. While running, my leg hit something and I fell on ground. When I look up I saw a creepy well in front of me.


I stood up and walked very close to it. I was extremely scared but a curious seven years old... I started peeking into it. Suddenly my foot slipped and I completely lost my balance and fell in the well.

It was pitch black inside. I was struggling to get out of it but I kept on drowning. I was having trouble breathing. Dirty water started filling my lungs from my mouth and nose. After many struggles, my limbs started getting paralyzed and I started losing consciousness and then everything turned black.

 After many struggles, my limbs started getting paralyzed and I started losing consciousness and then everything turned black

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After a long time when I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on the bed in my house. I saw my parents were in shock and my younger brother who was only five years old was crying like hell.

"Are you ok dear?" Mom asked in a quivering voice.

I was so traumatized that I could not able to speak for a while, I nodded and then asked, "h-how d-did I c-come here?"

"The villagers told that you were laying unconscious on the ground near the forest. They brought you here and we saw that you were soaked in water." Dad said taking me in his embrace.

"How did you get wet? What had happened?" He asked worriedly.

I told him everything and also told that I do not remember anything after falling in the well.

I don't know who got me out of there. I thought the villagers might have taken me out. But my parents told that they found me lying in near the forest, not in the forest. Who saved me then? How did I get out of that well? WHO SAVED ME?

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