Chapter 17: Behaving Weird

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"By the way you wanted to talk about something. What is it?" He asked all of a sudden.

"Huh? Oh...yes, I wanted to talk about something." I said and laughed nervously because I didn't want to bring up that subject anymore. I don't think he is still mad at me for that day so let's not talk about it now.

"I just wanted to make sure everything is going well with you. That's all." I said.

"Is that it? Is that all you wanted to talk about?" He asked in doubt.

"Yeah, you said you'd come to my clinic every week but you didn't and you weren't even picking up my calls, so, I was just worried." I said.

"Oh, I am really busy these know...the new music album I told you about...I'm really busy because of that." He said.

"Yeah, I remember. How's it going by the way?" I asked.

"Going great. I think I'm working really hard for this, not only me but the whole team is working really hard. I wish everything goes well." He said.

"Ofcourse it'll go well," I said.

"Thank you Dr Stewart, you really make me happy all the time." He said and smiled.

"It's my pleasure. And I'm glad to know that you're happy." I said smiling too.

"Um... Dr Stewart?" He asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Is it possible for a person to have an 'attitude disorder'?" He asked.

"Attitude disorder?" I asked getting confused.

"Yeah, I mean having a really bad attitude towards a particular person." He said.

I laughed and said, "I haven't heard of such a thing as 'attitude disorder', but yes, a person can have behavioural problems or a personality disorders. But if a person is showing bad behaviour towards a particular person, I don't think it's any kind of disorder but they are doing it intentionally."

"I knew it..." He mumbled.

"Why though?" I asked.

"Nothing, just wanted to know about it." He said.

"Are you sure? Or is it you who is the victim of someone's attitude problem?" I asked raising my brows.

"Huh! no... it's really nothing. I was just curious. That's all." He said and laughed nervously.

I laughed and said "just joking."

I didn't drag the subject any further as I understood he didn't want to say anything about it, so, I thought I shouldn't bother him. Meanwhile, our order arrived and we started enjoying our food.

(Maya's POV)

"C'mon Maya don't be lazy and gear yourself up for the whole week." I whispered to myself and started getting ready to leave for the dance practice. I swear I don't want to go there because I have to face him again. I hate him. I just hate him and I don't even want to see his face because whenever I see him, I remember how my parents died, how my mom took her last breath, how their lifeless body was lying in front of me.

We all were living so happily but he came into our life just to ruin everything. Why did he fall in the well? Why I saved him? Why did we show mercy to a seven years old and let him go. I wish I would have killed him that day. I thought and a drop of salty liquid escaped my eyes. If I wanted, I would have killed him in the ravines and no one would have suspected anything because bunjee jumping would have been the cause of his death. But instead I saved him because I don't want him to die that easily. I will make the life of him and his entire family hell that they themselves will beg for their death from me. But before that I have to collect every single information about his family and for that I have to befriend him. I have to earn his trust and for that I have to change my attitude towards him. I can't be rude to him anymore or else things will go out of my hands.

I entered the dance studio and went to the practice room where I found Ian and Mayson talking to eachother. They didn't notice me so I said, "hi!" Ian looked at me and said, "hi! I didn't see you coming." He smiled and asked, "ok guys let's start then?" I said "yes" and Mayson nooded without even looking at us.

We started practicing and in between Ian was correcting us by pointing out our mistakes. "No you are doing it wrong...see like this. Your left hand should be straight... like this." We continued to practice and time to time I was taking glance of every single moves of Mayson. He is really a great dancer but why this poker face? What's wrong with him?

After two hours of practice Ian said that we did very well today and if we keep practicing till next week we will surely do well. He finally bid us and left. I sighed and looked at HIM but he immediately turned and was about to leave...

"Wait!" I said. He stopped but avoided looking at me, in other words I was facing his back.

I approached him and asked as politely as possible, yes, POLITELY, "can we talk?"

"About what?" He said quietly harshly.

What's with him today? I thought and started speaking, "I-you why are behaving weird today?" I mentally slapped myself for stuttering.

"Because I am weird" he said with a straight face and I opened my mouth to say something but couldn't form any word.

"Is that all you wanted to say? That I'm behaving weird?" He asked.

"No no. I-I just I-I am..." I started stuttering again. The hell! What am I doing? I thought.

"Please don't waste my time and say it quickly" He said.

"Nothing" I mumbled.

"What?" He asked.

"I have nothing to say and sorry for wasting your time." I said and ran out from there.

Next day also same scene, he avoided me and I tried to talk but no avail. This continued for the whole week and today is our final rehearsal. I don't know whether he will stop acting weird or not but I have made up my mind to talk to him. Not that I am interested in talking to him but if this continues I cannot take any further steps and things will go out of my hands.

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