Chapter 8: Bad Encounter

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(Mayson's pov)

The next morning I got up from my bed before my stupid alarm rang because I was wide awake. I couldn't sleep even a bit after that dream and was waiting to welcome the first rays of the sun. I did my morning routine and decided not to cook and go to the nearby cafe for breakfast. Though I love to do my own food but today I am too tired for that.

No I won't be taking my bodyguards this time. I will go alone. If I cover my face properly no one will recognise me. Right? I thought.

I put on my mask and sunglasses so that no one can recognise me. When I was going to take my wallet from the drawer, I noticed something. Visiting card. I took it and saw it again but this time I found something interesting. Wait! What? Psychiatrist? Dr. Monica is a psychiatrist. I said in my mind. I thought to visit her some day and tell her about my phobia. But will it be safe? I never told anyone about my fears except Kyle. I am a little introverted and rarely do I share my problems with anyone. I am always afraid that what if people make fun of me? What if they think I am weird? I sighed and then put the card back in the drawer thinking I'd think about it later.

I took my wallet and headed to the cafe. I decided not to take the car as it is not too far from my place and also, I like to walk in the morning.

I entered the cafe named 'Feel at home.' It's not that fancy or big but the food here is really delicious. I have been here many times but no one has recognised me yet. That's good. I ordered some cheese omelet, club sandwich and a caramel Latte.

 I ordered some cheese omelet, club sandwich and a caramel Latte

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While ordering my food I heard someone next to me, say, "one sugarless black coffee" I turned to see the person and was shocked

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While ordering my food I heard someone next to me, say, "one sugarless black coffee" I turned to see the person and was shocked. Those beautiful eyes! It's she! This is the first time I saw her face and she is HEAVENLY BEAUTIFUL.

After ordering I moved towards an empty table and sat there but my eyes were still fixed on her. She was sitting far away and was busy with her phone.

What should I do? Should I go there? Should I talk to her? Did she remember me? Is it really she or...? Yes it's she for sure. I can never be mistaken in recognising her. I was wondering how to approach her because if I talk to her then I have to reveal my identity and I can't do that, but if I don't I will never be able to meet her in future. Meanwhile, my food arrived and I ate quickly as I decided to talk to her. I CAN'T MISS THE CHANCE. NEVER.

After I finished my food I went to her table and said, "hi"

She hummed in response without looking at me. Then I sat on the chair in front of her and said, "umm-y-you are that girl. Right?" She looked at me and asked confusedly, "do I know you?"

"No. Yes." I said like a stupid.

She furrowed her brows and said, "excuse me?"

Mayson don't beat around the the bush, just come to the point, I said in mind and then said, "hi I don't know if you remember me or not but I remember you very well. Two months earlier, I went to the Sunbeam mountain and I fell while doing bunjee and you saved me. Now you remember?" I asked.

She looked at me for few seconds and then said, "oh so you're that guy. Mayson Forbes."

Whoa she knows? Ofcourse, she saw my face that day. But... what it is? No excitement or anything... that guy!... I thought and doubted myself being a well known personality for a moment. Though it's a good thing that she is not behaving like a crazy fan but still I felt bad. I took a deep breath and asked as politely as possible, "Do you really know who I am?" I asked, taking off my mask and sunglasses.

"Mayson Forbes, 25 years old, singer, songwriter and producer." She said in a breath without looking at me and I was a bit taken aback.

"How rude!" I whispered very lowly but unfortunately she heard it. "Yeah you think I'm rude because I'm not your F.A.N." She said blatantly and got busy with her phone again. I was getting angry but tried to calm myself so as not to create any scene here.

I tried to say something but words were not coming out of my mouth. I didn't know what to say.

"Spit it and get lost" she said and this time I almost lost my temper and anger was clearly visible on my face.

Now she is being a jerk. I said in my mind.

"Look Miss I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but I came here to thank you. I'm really grateful to you for saving me that day. If you weren't there, I wouldn't be standing here today in front of you. I owe you for what you did. Thank you for saving my life." I said but she didn't respond anything. She didn't even bother to look at me for once as if she doesn't give a f*ck.

I sighed deeply and then stood up to leave. But as I turned she called me, "hey! Mr" I thought she might have realised her mistake and a smile appeared on my face. I turned and said, "yeah?"

"Your wallet" she said with a poker face pointing to my wallet that was lying on the table. My smile abruptly turned into frown and I took my wallet. I heard a giggle and a low, "cute" but I didn't care to look at her and hurriedly left the cafe, ofcourse after paying the bill.

"WHAT THE HELL? Seriously! Even if she doesn't like me, how can someone be so rude anyway? I was so polite and appreciated her for saving me that day but she didn't give a damn! Does she have any idea how much I meant every words when I thanked her? How can she do that?" I was walking in my room and shouting like a crazy. I was hurt. I was really hurt by her attitude but never mind, afterall she saved my life. I soon brushed off my thoughts and started getting ready for the photoshoot.

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