Chapter 2: Bungee Jump

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The next morning my phone rang before the alarm and it was none other than Kyle.

"Good morning Mr Forbes. Wake up." He said.

"Seriously! You don't have anything better to do at 5 am?" I asked getting annoyed.

"Because I know you must have set your alarm for 8 am, but I told you to be ready by 7 am."  he said.

I took out my phone's alarm and saw... Yes, he is right! I always set my alarm on Sundays at 8 am and today is Sunday.

"Oh! yes, I forgot to change the timing. Thanks by the way." I said.

"Never mind dude! Get ready then I will pick you up." He said and hung up.

I yawned and idly pulled myself out of the blanket. After getting ready I called him so that he could come to pick me up. A few minutes later, Kyle came and we both got into his car. His car started talking to the wind and within minutes we were out of town. There was an awkward silence in the car as he usually doesn't like to talk while driving but I was getting bored, breaking the silence I asked him, "So where are we going?"

"I guess I told you it's a surprise." He said.

"You are not kidnapping me. Right?" I asked and smirked.

He winked and said, "maybe or maybe not... you are a rich man after all."

"And famous too." I added and we both started laughing and then he said, "we will be there in a few minutes...not more than two or three."

He drove the car and as he said, after two-three minutes we reached our destination. Now we were in front of a cottage. The surrounding was quiet and it was situated in the arms of a beautiful garden. There were many types of flowers and ornamental plants on either side of the house and on the edge of the garden stood two pine trees as if they were guarding the whole place.

Beautiful, I thought.

"Here we go" he shouted and we jumped out of the car

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"Here we go" he shouted and we jumped out of the car.

"Do you like the place, Mayson?" He asked.

"I love it! It's beautiful. So are we going to stay here?" I asked. "Yes, this is our home for a week." He said smiling.

"Maysi do you remember I once told you that I had a secret place and I go there whenever I feel tired and exhausted from the city hustles?" Kyle asked.

"Yes I remember. Wait! What? Is it...?" I asked getting curious.

"Yes it is. It is the place I told you about. My secret place," he said with a smile.

I hugged him dearly and said, "thank you so much Kyle, thank you for bringing me here and thank you for sharing your secret with me."

"Hey! No need to thank me, Maysi, you are like my little brother and that's the least I can do for you." He said.

"Don't call me little I am just a year younger than you." I said whining like a child.

"One year or one day, you are younger, and younger means younger." He said.

"But I am not a kid 'little' doesn't suit me." I said.

"It suits you, PERFECTLY." He said.

"Yahhhh... don't say like that..." I started.

"Look, I came to this planet a year before you..." He started.

And finally we started fighting over this nonsense. I mean absolutely nonsense. This is what happens when you start an argument with your friend.

"... okay okay, you are not little you are a big monster. Happy? Now can you please kindly enter the house." He said getting annoyed.

"Okay okay I am sorry my big brother, let's go inside." I said and chuckled.

We entered the house and it was as beautiful on the inside as it was on the outside. The walls were painted a light purple and all the furniture was painted black and white. I felt so calm and peaceful. Visited such a nice place after a long time.

"Ahemm..." He faked cough to get my attention and said, "don't look like this house is your girlfriend."

"Where do such stupid things come in your mind man!” I said with a laugh.

"Whatever, let me show you your room." He said and escorted me to my room. I settled all my belongings and then went to take a bath. When I came out of the shower I saw that Kyle had prepared breakfast for us. We then started eating our food.

"Maysi, there is a place called Mount Sunbeam, would you like to go there?" He asked.

"I would love to." I said.

"And you know it's very famous for bungee jumping." He said.

"Cool! Then let's do it." I said excitedly.

"What?" He asked getting confused.

"Bungee jumping." I said.

"No way" he said.

"Oh c'mon, please. I wanna go there." I said.

"Yeah ofcourse, we will go there. ONLY GOING." He said.

"Kyle please I wanna do bungee jumping please please please dude." I started whining.

"I shouldn't have told you." He said holding his head.

"But you told me, so please let me..." I said.

"God! Okay okay but I am not doing any JUMPING" he said.

"Okay I won't force you." I said excitedly at the thought of going there.


We reached Mount Sunbeam and the place was beautiful. There were two high mountains which were almost touching the sky and some other mountains which were not that high. There weren't many people so the atmosphere was calm. We were enjoying our moments and clicking pictures. After that we finally reached the cliff, the place where I was excited to be. Bungee jumping. I thought.

"Mayson, are you sure you want to do this?" Kyle asked a little worried because the place was dangerously high and you can imagine if I fall...

I was ready with the elastic chord attached to me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and then... JUMPED.

My whole body started colliding with the cold breeze and I felt like I am swinging in the lap of nature

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My whole body started colliding with the cold breeze and I felt like I am swinging in the lap of nature. My heart started pounding as I was getting scared but still it felt so good, so adventurous. I was enjoying the best moments of my life.


When I flew up, suddenly the chord detached from the jump platform.


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