Chapter 13: Delusion

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"Dr Stewart...are you alright?" I heard a voice from outside the door and saw my knuckles bleeding because of the pieces of glass piercing my skin. I hid my hand behind my back and opened the door to meet my gaze with worried looking Mayson Forbes.

"Are you alright? What's that sound?" He asked.

"Oh... I-its nothing..." I said and smiled nervously. He looked at me and asked, "are you sure?"

"Ye..." I was about to reply but unfortunately he saw the shattered mirror from the corner of the door and asked, "what's that?"

I pushed him lightly and immediately closed the door behind me. "It's nothing Mr Forbes" I said, raising my voice.

He seemed taken aback by my sudden outburst and took a few steps back. Guilt started running through my veins and I opened my mouth to apologise, "I am sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"I think I should leave." Before I could say anything, he left.

I don't know why, I felt pain in my heart. "Was I too rude?" I mumbled.
(Mayson's POV)

What's wrong? Why did she start behaving weird all of a sudden? I heard the noise of something breaking....I clearly saw the broken mirror inside there. What would happen? Did she...did she hurt herself? Oh my god! I should have stayed there...I shouldn't have left like that. I thought and mumbled, "was I too rude?"

I was exercising in the dance studio when someone came and said, "Sir, she is waiting there." I nodded and said, "coming, just a minute." I drank some water and changed my sweat shirt to a tee and then went to the waiting room to meet my new dance partner. As I opened the door, my eyes widened in shock and mouth wide open with lower jaw almost touching the floor.

"YOU??" I said.

"Hello Mr Forbes, I'm HONOURED to meet you" she said so politely that I could smell sarcasm in the air.

"How did you come in? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Answer number one, I came because I have been called and answer number two, right now I am answering your nonsense questions." She said maintaining her usual ATTITUDE.

"Look, I'm not here to entertain you. So, tell me the real reason WHY YOU'RE HERE?" I asked, almost yelling at her.

"Mr angry Pikachu, I'm here because I've been called by your entertainment company." She stated sternly and my blood started boiling by the mention of PIKACHU.

"First of all, I. Am. Not. Pikachuuu. My name is Mayson Forbes and second why would they call you?" I asked.

Before she could answer Kyle entered and said, "oh, Mas...I mean Mr Forbes, you already came. That's good. Let me introduce you both. Mr Forbes, she is your new co-dancer Maya Stewart and Ms Stewart, you may already know this gentleman. Mayson Forbes."

"Ofcourse, who wouldn't know such a great personality." She said.

What the... It's she? No way! "so, YOU are Maya Stewart?!" I thought and asked getting astonished as hell.

"Yes, sir my name is Maya. Nice to meet you." She said, with a soft smile.

I froze there for a moment and thought, Why did she suddenly start behaving so nice? What's with her behaviour?

I dragged Kyle out of there and asked, "Who is she?"

"Your co-dancer." He said.

"KYLEEEE." I said, gritting my teeth.

"Hey! Why are you getting so hyper?" He asked. I took a deep breath and said, "You won't believe..."

"Believe what?" He asked.

"She is that golden brown eyed woman." I said.

"WHAT??" he said getting surprised.

"Yes" I said.

"You mean she is the one who saved you that day?" He asked.

"Yes" I said.

"She is the one who behaved rudely at the cafe?"

"Yes, hell yes" I whispered yell.

"What a coincidence!" He said.

We were both silent for a moment and then I asked, "Kyle, where did you find her?"

"What do you mean, she gave the audition." He said.

"Why did you pass her in the audition?" I asked.

"I didn't, judges did because she performed best.... and Maysi I think we were wrong about her." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked getting confused.

"See, when you told about her for the first time, I thought she but now I think she is not. I checked every document of her though I didn't know she is your GOLDEN BRO... I mean it's she, but there is nothing suspicious about her and you know me how professional I am at spotting people's falsification. So no worries and if I talk about her behaviour, I don't think she's that rude...." Before he could finish, I interrupted him saying, "woah woah....wait. what? What do you mean by saying she is not rude?"

"I mean she just behaved politely." He said.

"So you think I was lying to you about her godamn attitude?" I asked getting angry.

"Noooo....I didn't mean that. I mean maybe the day you met her she was upset.... maybe something bad happened to her so she behaved rudely." He said.

"Fine, then what about now? Just before you came, she was talking to me with the same hellish attitude" I said.

"Hmm.... you mean she is something else in front of others and something else in front of you?" He asked.

"Yes, absolutely yes" I said.

After thinking for about a minute he spoke, "then she has some personality disorder or something...I guess." He said.

"And how can say that?" I asked.

"I remember once you told me that two of you met in a mental clinic." he said.

"Yes, so?" I asked getting confused.

"Oh c'mon Maysi, why do you think a person would go to a psychiatrist?" He asked.

"You mean she is a mad woman." I asked.

"Hey! Don't say like that." He said.

"Why not?." I asked annoyingly.

"Yaaahhh, no one is born mad, perhaps something must have happened in her past. We shouldn't jump to any conclusion without knowing the whole thing." He said.

"Woah... what's wrong with you Mr philosopher? Why are you taking her side? Did she possessed you or what?" I asked getting surprised.

"No one possessed me you brat and you better bear her because we can't change your partner again." He said.

"Fine... give me her biodata and all her documents. I need to check them all." I said sternly.

"God Maysi! Ok I'll." he said. I nooded and again entered the hell where she was waiting.

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