Chapter 7: Nightmare

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(Author's pov)

Mayson was running in a park. The whole place was surrounded by beautiful flowers. He was so happy that he was laughing out loud while running. When he got tired of running, he lay down on the bed of grass and closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes he found himself lying on a boat in the middle of a river. He panicked but saw someone standing beside him. He flinched and stood up while saying, "who are you?" As soon as the person took off his/her hoodie he was shocked to see the person. It's she. Those beautiful GOLDEN BROWN EYES. But unfortunately he couldn't see her whole face. It's not that her face was covered or something but he just couldn't see it. Everything was becoming blurry in front of him.

"You know me. Don't you?" She said and started coming closer to him. "Stop!" Mayson shouted but she didn't stop. "Stay away...I said" he fell from the boat and started drowning.

The lady also jumped into the water and caught him

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The lady also jumped into the water and caught him. She put her arms under his armpits and began to pull him up and took him out of the water.

As soon as he came out of the water he saw that he was now standing in a dark forest. It was so dark that even the sunlight was struggling to penetrate the big trees.

 It was so dark that even the sunlight was struggling to penetrate the big trees

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He was alone and scared. He started running and suddenly his leg got hurt by something and he fell on the ground on his stomach. He stood up slowly and saw an old well in front of him. He was so scared that he couldn't even move. Suddenly an arrow came from somewhere and was about to hit him but it was doged off by someone. When he saw the person he was shocked. It was the same lady from that boat.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?" He shouted. "I am saving you." She shouted back. Her voice was so stern and loud that he flinched a little. "B-but who are y-you?" He asked timidly. Before she could answer an arrow came again and this time hit her chest. It began to pierce her flesh and she groaned in pain. "Nooooooo" Mayson screamed and ran towards her but then...

"Mayson don't! She will kill you." Someone said. When he turned, his eyes widened to see that person. It was Monica. "Y-you?" He stuttered getting stunned. "Go away from her. Let her die. She will kill you." Monica was shouting and waving her hands as a signal to run from here.

Mayson looked at the lady who was now laying on the ground with an arrow piercing her heart and blood oozing out of her torn skin. "I-I s-saved you." She said. Her voice was painful and it broke him. Why would she kill me when she saved me. He thought.

"Mayson it's a trap. Don't believe her. Go. Run. Run." Monica shouted.

He couldn't think of anything straight but decided to leave the place and so he started running. Suddenly a rope wrapped around his legs and started pulling him towards the well. He screamed and tried to free himself but all in vain and he was finally dragged inside the well.

"Nooooo" he screamed and woke up.

(Mayson's pov)

"Nooooo" I screamed and woke up to found myself sitting on the bed, bathed in sweat. "Why again?" I whispered as I realised that it was a dream. I have such nightmares ever since that incident happened to me when I was seven but as I grew older, these nightmares also gradually subsided. Today after a whole year I had such a horrible dream. Seeing that well was not that weird because I used to see it everytime ever since that incident happened. But why did I saw her? And Monica? Why did I even saw her? Is there any connection between them. That woman saved my life in reality and today in my dream too! But why Monica was saying that it's a trap? Is it really...? Urgh... I thought but couldn't decipher anything.

I drank some water and then lay down to try to sleep but I couldn't. Everytime I close my eyes those voices start echoing in my mind...
*You know me. Don't you?*
*She will kill you*
*I saved you*
*Run run. It's a trap*
I got up again whispering "I can't" I knew I can't sleep now. I looked at clock, it was 4:44 am.

(Someone's pov)

I was playing the piano when she entered saying, "good job sister. We are getting close to achieve our mission."

"Hmm..." I nodded.

"What's wrong?" She said.

"Do we really have to do this?" I asked

"I told you millions of times if you don't want to be a part of this game you can quit. I'll do it my way." She said.

"Why not stop doing this instead?" I asked.


"Stop shouting. I know whatever they did was wrong but Mayson is not a part of it. He doesn't even know anything." I yelled.

"But he is a part of that f*cking family." She shouted again.

"I know he did nothing but I will not spare anyone from that family. I just hate them. I hate each one of them. They all deserve to die. We lost our parents because of them, because of that f*cking family. They made us orphans. How can you even think of showing mercy to them?" She said and her eyes started filling tears.

I gently hugged her and said, "hey! It's ok. I am not asking to spare those who destroyed us, but not to hurt those who are innocent. Mayson is innocent. He didn't..." She didn't let me finish and said, "enough of your lecture on innocence. Save it for someone else." She walked away stomping her feet.

Right now you will not understand anything because your mind is completely blocked by vengeance. But soon you will realise that not every human is bad, Maya. I said in my mind.

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