Chapter 11: Beginning of Storm

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(Mayson's pov)

It was a nice meeting. I am feeling relieved after telling my problems to her. But I didn't tell her that I saw her in one of my nightmares. Did I do it right? I don't know if it's right or wrong but I thought I shouldn't tell her so I didn't. I think I saw her because I met her that day and that's probably why her image stuck in my mind. Right? But the other girl? Wait! Is it she. Though I didn't see her face, but her eyes! Her eyes quite resembles her. But how can I see someone who's face I haven't really seen. Maybe that's why I couldn't recognise her face even in my dreams. Was it really her, or am I just making assumptions? Nah! It can't be. It's not...god I don't even know her name. It's not my fault, I tried to ask her but her attitude problem. Argh! I should change her name from beautiful eyed woman to Miss attitude. How can someone be so rude with such a beautiful face? Her attitude is just averse of her face. Why the hell am I even thinking about her?

(Someone's pov)

It was raining and every drop of water was dripping down my cheeks into the well. Pitter patter of drops started getting loud as it started falling into the well. That well, that old mysterious well which was once my home. That well which is called as cursed by humans was once my everything.

I saved your life and what you gave me in return...I thought and a drop of tear escaped my eyes which was replaced by a cold drop of rain. I walked closer to the well and jumped into it. I knew I would no longer find my home, my family there, but I just wanted to be immersed in my own world. I closed my eyes and memories of that day started to emerge....



"Hey guys where are you?"


"Whoa... what's that?"

"Mom... what"

" wake up... please wake up dad..."


" what happened to you? Wha-what happened to dad? Who st-stabbed you?"

"Ma-Maya...they invaded our world...they c-came and...aahhh..."

"They who?"

"T-that human child... their fa-family...they destroyed everything. They sta-stabbed me... your d-dad... everyone...aahh..."

"BUT WHY? We didn't do anything to them."

"I don't know honey?"

"Listen Maya...y-your sister is still alive. I-I made her escape the portal before they could find her."

"Where is she?"

"In human world..."


"Don't w-worry one will know about this. You also leave. Leave before t-they find you."

"No I won't leave without you. I can't."

"Please understand dear, your father is already d-dead and they stabbed my h-heart too. I will die soon. Please go save your self and t-take care of your sister. And one more thing... close the p-portal"

"M-mom no you are not gonna die please mom."

"I love you and your sister baby...aaaahhhhhh..."

"Mom..m-mom...mama...mama no please wake up. Please mama open your eyes. D-dad wake up. Please don't leave me please"



**********Flashback end**********

I heard a loud thud and whimpered in pain because my back hit on the ground very hard. It was dark and empty. No one was there except me. How can anyone be? I had closed the portal. I closed it because I can't take any risk to those who are still alive. Now no one can reach there.

I started walking slowly and stopped in front of a gigantic door, from which mysterious black and purple smoke was emerging and disappearing.

"The barrier between my and your world. I will make sure this barrier is always there, even if I can never return back, even if I have to stay in this f*cking human world forever. I won't open it. I will not repeat the same mistake again." I said and salty liquid started to fill my eyes. "Mom, dad, I promise I will ruin their life. I will kill everyone they love." I said and wiped my tears.

Now you see me Forbes.

(Mayson's pov)

I was lying on my bed like a sloth when my phone rang and I picked up after seeing the caller ID. It was none other than Kyle. "Hey man" I said.

"Mayson, problem" he said.

"What problem?" I asked.

"Not 'problem', I must say a 'disaster'." He said.

"Stop being dramatic and spit it." I said getting annoyed.

"Your co-dancer is gone." He said.

"WHAT?" I said jumping off the bed.

"No no she is not dead. She left." He said.

"God Kyle you almost gave me a heart attack." I shouted.

"But why did she leave? What's wrong?" I asked.

"She had an accident and injured her leg." He said.

"In which hospital?" I asked getting worried.

"Huh!" He said.

"In which hospital is she admitted? Tell me right now." I shouted.

He told me the address and I immediately dragged myself into the car. After reaching there I went to her room and my heart sank to see her injured leg. The doctor said that it is not that serious and no other injuries has occurred but still she will have to take bed rest for at least a two months. Ofcourse she has to, and I'm not inhumane enough to force her to work in this condition. I thought and sighed.

She is off for two months and I have to shoot the next album next month. I cannot cancel it because I have already signed the contract. We hope to find a new dancer by next week, but how will she learn choreography so quickly? Kyle was right. It's a disaster. I thought.


Two days have passed and we haven't found any new dancer yet. We also cannot request any other artist as we have already signed to give chance to freshers. Even if we find someone, it will be really difficult for both of us to learn the choreography. Again. I was thinking when my phone rang and it was Kyle.

I picked up and said, "hello"

"Hey Maysi good news" he said.

"What is it? Got a new co-dancer?" I asked mockingly.

"Yes" he said.

"Really? I asked getting excited.

"Yes dude!" He said.

"Who is it? I mean what's her name?" I asked and he said, "Maya Stewart"

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