Chapter 22: Boyfriend

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"I don't think it's a good idea to take the bus at this time, it's 10 o'clock at night." He said worriedly and I couldn't resist his Pikachu face so I agreed. I told him my address and he started driving.

"By the way, why did you go to the dance studio? I mean, here are also other places." He asked.

"I'm not that familiar with many of the places here and plus I needed a quiet place so I went there. It's very peaceful there." I said.

"By the way how did you know I was there?" I asked.

"I have my ways." He said.

"Your ways or you came to know this from Riya?" I asked.

"Riya?" He said and looked at me dumbfounded.

"My makeup artist." I said.

"Sh*t" he whispered and said, "it's not her fault, I insisted her to tell me about you. Okay? Please don't be mad about it."

"You insisted. Really? You are such a bad lier." I said and smirked.

He started getting nervous so I said, "you don't have to worry about it, I am not mad at you or her. I bumped into her when I came out of the restroom and she asked me if everything was okay because I was in a hurry. That's when it abruptly came out from my mouth where I was going. So I kind of requested her not to tell anyone because I didn't want anyone to ruin my moment with my peace." I said.

"Did I ruin your moment with your peace?" He asked.

"You did at first, but it's not bad and now you're making up for it by dropping me off at my house." I said.

He chuckled and said, "it's not compensation it's just a courtesy."

"Then thank you for your courtesy Mr Forbes." I said and smiled.

"Not a problem." He said and smiled too.

"Do you live alone?" He asked.

"No I live with my sister." I said.

"And your parents? Do they live in another city?" He asked.

"They are no longer with us." I said and he looked at me confused.

"They're dead." I said looking away. I started biting my lips to control my emotions.

"Oh I am really sorry." He said and I looked at him.

Look who is saying. You're the reason they're dead, Mayson. I thought and started looking out the window. I was trying very hard to control my rage towards him but at the same time his innocent face was forcing me to believe that he was not the cause of all this. His innocence was making me confused. I still remember clearly the moment when my mother mentioned him. She had clearly said that everything was ruined because of him. She was taking her last breath at that time. How could I forget all this? But it is also true that at that time he was only seven years old. What can a seven year old child do? Am I blaming him unnecessarily? I do not think so. Although he was a child at that time, his family must have told him everything when he grew up or is it that he did not know anything? Does he not know anything about the evil deeds of his family? Is he really innocent?

"Maya... Maya?" He shook me lightly and asked, "are you okay?"

"Huh...oh...yeah I am okay. Just remembered something." I said.

"I am sorry, I shouldn't have asked you this." He said and I could see the genuine sadness in his eyes.

"It's okay." I mumbled.

"This must have been very hard for you and your sister?" He asked.

"Hmm it was but now we are doing well. My sister is well settled now. She is doctor, a psychiatrist." I said and realised that I shouldn't have said that.

"Psychiatrist? By any chance, is her name Monica Stewart?" He asked.

Sh*t...Not a big deal. If we three know each other then what is the point of hiding? I thought and said, "yes"

"What?? Really?" He asked getting surprised.

"It's really good. I mean, I know her. We've met a few times..." Before he could finish, I said, "I know. We both know about you. She told me about your coming there several times and as far as I remember, we have also met at her clinic."

"Yes I remember but at that time I didn't know you were her sister. Once she told me she had a sister but I never thought it would be you." I said.

"She told? It's quite surprising because she doesn't like to talk about me to anyone." I said.

"Why so? Are you that annoying?" He asked mockingly and I wish I could hit him on head.

(Mayson's POV)

"Why so? Are you that annoying?" I asked but I think she got a little angry at my stupid joke so she said, "my home is not very far from here. You can stop."

I sighed and said, "it's still about two hundred metres away so stay seated."

Eventually I stopped at the front door of her house and she got out of my car. She walked a step or two and turned back and said, "Thank you."

"Anytime" I said and she smiled. When she knocked on the door of the house, a young man came and hugged her. Don't know why I didn't like it. I think he must be her boyfriend but I didn't like her getting hugged by some other guy so I immediately left from there.

(Maya's POV)

I reached my home safely, all thanks to him. I never thought I would ever be grateful to him for anything. Although it is not that I cannot walk alone at night because I am much more dangerous than roadside criminals but still I am grateful to him because of his generosity.

I knocked on the door and waited for my sister to scold me for coming so late but a surprising thing happened. As soon as the door opened, a boy hugged me and I was shocked when I realized who it was.

"Enzo!" I whispered and was frozen for a moment.

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