Chapter 19: Old Friend

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(Monica's POV)

I was doing my house chores when suddenly I felt someone's presence in the house. I moved towards the doorway to make sure that I had locked it or not. When I reached downstairs, I found that the door is opened and I was startled because now it's sure that someone is in the house and it's not a HUMAN. I was about to close the door but I felt someone's presence behind me and I immediately turned around to find nothing but an empty couch that had already been there for years.

I still smelled a rat in the air so I shouted "who are you?" Silence. Abruptly someone tried to grab my arm, but I was quick enough to dodge it and pinned that person to the wall by strangling them with my bare hands. But 'what the...' I thought after seeing that person. I was completely shocked to see him..."you?"

"I c-can't b-breathe..." He said and I released him and said, "Enzo?"

"Hey! Remember me?" He said and smiled.

" are really here!" I said and stood there frozen because I couldn't believe that I was seeing in front of me the man who was thought to be dead by everyone. "Y-you are ali...
," I said and thought...he is alive! I couldn't wait to show my happiness and hugged him. He hugged me back and said, "I'm sorry, I thought I'd surprise you but looks like I shouldn't be messing with Stewart sisters."

I laughed and said, "it's been so long but you haven't changed a bit."

Enzo is my childhood friend who has the same tragic past as mine. He lost his parents when humans first invaded our lives and killed almost everyone. He and his younger sister Aurora were just children who were orphaned in this war. Since then he started hating humans from the core of his heart. After that incident my father brought them both to our house and my mother also never forbade them to stay with us, rather she loved them very much like her own children. Since then we all grew up together like a family.

My life wasn't different though as I've also lost my parents but atleast my sister is with me. But Enzo...he lost his sister too. Several years had passed and everything was slowly getting back to normal, but one day, while we were playing hide and seek, just like we used to do when we were kids, Aurora accidentally reached the end of the portal and entered the human world. We tried every damn thing to find her but she never came back. Enzo was completely broken after that incident and suddenly one day...he also disappeared. We thought that he might have died because of not being able to bear the pain of losing his only family, Aurora.

I always refused to believe that he is no more with us and now I am completely astounded to see him standing in front of me. I don't know how and why he has come here but I'm glad he is alive. 

(Maya's POV)

I was tapping my feet out of nervousness when I saw a lady bathed in makeup came to escort me to the shooting spot. When I stepped there, my breath got hitched as soon as I saw HIM.


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Handsome... beautiful...cute... do I define his beauty? Does he come from a fairy tale? I thought.

He slowly approached me and..."ahem" When he pretended to cough I regained consciousness and realized that I was caught in an awkward position as I was ogling him.

"You look beautiful" he whispered in my ear. "Thank you" I said.

Soon I could hear the voices of people present there and in no time

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Soon I could hear the voices of people present there and in no time..."lights. Camera. Take one. Action..." Loud music started playing and everyone took their positions but I started sweating profusely.

"Cut" I heard the director say and I panicked more because I knew I messed up. "Miss Maya shooting has started and you are on camera now. Start your choreo," the director said. "I-I'm sorry sir" I said and after that again... "take two action..." and I was in the same position, no movement and sweating as hell. Then again and again and again...till "take seven..."

"Cut. Everyone stop. Miss Maya, what's wrong with you? Why are you standing like a statue?" Asked the annoyed director.

"Sir, could you please give us a moment." Mayson said and the director excused us. Then he grabbed my wrist and dragged me from there to the restroom.

"What the..." I was hushed by a finger over my lips.

"Sshh... don't shout." He said sternly.

"Why were you so nervous out there?" He asked.

"Huh! I-I don't know." I mumbled. I don't know why I was so nervous, is it the adorable look or is it the 'shooting' thing? Who should I blame?

He gently took both my hands and asked, "hey! are you okay?"

I shook my head in denial and muttered, "I've never performed in front of so many people. I-Its hard."

"But you've already auditioned in front of many people." He said.

"No, there weren't that many people. There were only judges and a few people recording our performance. It was like taking an exam. It was different." I muttered the last part of the sentence.

"Maya, look at me." He said and I did. This is the first time I've been looking directly into his eyes and I don't know why I feel so warm and comforted. I felt like my anxiety was gone and my heart beat was back to normal.

"Listen Maya, you did your best when you auditioned. You know why? Because it was very important to you. Like you said it was an exam, today is your exam too, maybe a little tougher because it's your final exam. If you can clear your previous exam, you can clear this one too." He said and I felt each and every one of his words comforting that I started gathering courage.

I nodded and took a deep breath. "You are right, I can do it." I said.

He smiled and asked, "Are you feeling okay now?"

I nodded and smiled too. "So let's go or do you want to get some rest?" He asked politely.

"No I'm fine now. Let's go." I said and we both reached the shooting spot but this time I wasn't feeling restless at all, no longer sweating and felt much better.

Why? Why are you so nice to me when I was always so rude to you? Why am I getting captivated towards you? What are you doing to me Mayson?... I thought.

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