Chapter 5: ID Card

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(Mayson's pov)

It was night time, around nine o'clock. I was going towards my car after buying some stuff from the convenience store when I heard someone scream. "!" I was a little startled but started walking towards the voice. When I almost reached the end of the parking lot my eyes widened to see the scene.

"Please someone help!" A young woman was laying on the ground, surrounded by three men, two of whom were holding her wrists tightly and the third was above her trying to rip her clothes.

Seeing this my blood started boiling and I immediately ran towards and punched the man above her. He fell to the ground and I swiftly kicked the other two holding her wrists and freed her. Now, three of them were glaring at me like they would eat me. Wow! They are three and I am alone. Fair enough because I am a black belt in karate. I thought. One of them threw a knife at me but I dodged and fast enough to catch the knife and threw it at his leg. He screamed and fell to the ground. Seeing this one of them already ran away but the other tried to hit me but I grabbed him and kept punching him in the face till my knuckles got bruised. But at that very moment the other man threw dust in my eyes due to which I almost became blind and taking advantage of this, both of them also fled from there.

I kicked the ground feeling defeated and looked back and saw that the woman was sitting on the ground trying to cover herself. I came towards her and saw that her dress was ripped from above. I quickly took off my jacket and placed it on her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I asked getting worried.

She nodded yes and started sobbing. I started to get panic not knowing how to calm her down. I took her hand and gently rubbed the back of her hand saying, "it's... it's okay... you are safe... don't cry... you are safe... okay?...don't cry." She calmed and I looked at her closely. Her face was soaked with sweat and her lips and eyes were swollen due to crying. She looked exhausted and for some reason I felt hurt to see her like this. I helped her stand up and asked, "are you hurt somewhere?"

She mumbled 'no' and wiped her tears.

I sighed in relief and then she looked at me and said, "th-thank you. Thank y-you so m-much."

I smiled and said, "it's alright. Please don't thank. I just did what I should do."

She smiled softly and apparently her eyes fell on my bruised knuckles. "Oh my god you got hurt." she said worriedly.

"Uh no no it's alright. I am fine." I said.

"No you got hurt so badly. Let me treat your wound. I have first aid kit in my car" She said and started searching something while mumbling, "where is my purse?"

I looked around and saw a black purse laying on the ground. I pointed there and asked, "is that yours?"

"Yes, that's mine." She said.

"Wait, I'll get it." I said and brought it to her.

She took the keys out of her purse and I walked her to the car and said, "Look, miss I'm alright, okay? Please don't bother yourself."

"Please don't say that. You saved my life so let me help you" she said while taking out an ointment from the first aid kit and started applying it gently on my bruises. I smiled and removed my mask like an idiot and said, "thank you." She looked at me and was shocked to see my face.

Shit! I thought and immediately put on my mask again.

I waved my hand in front of her saying, "hello miss?"

She came out of her thoughts with pink tint on her cheeks.

God! Did she recognised me? No no please don't. I thought.

Before entering the car she thanked me once again and I also thanked her for the medicine. After entering the car she asked me before closing the door, "can I ask you something?"

"Sure" I said.

"are you by any chance...Mays..." She paused and said, "uh never mind." Her cheeks were turning beet red and I was trying control my laughter.

I smiled and told her to be careful and drive home safely.

After coming back home, I threw myself on the bed and started thinking about the incident. Thank God that I reached there on time or else... I don't want to image even. While thinking, something clicked my mind and I jumped off my bed. "My ID card!" I whispered and remembered that it was in my JACKET pocket.

I am dead. I said in my mind.

What should I do now? How do I contact her? God! I don't even know her name. Should I contact the police? No no. What am I thinking even. She may get in trouble. It's not her fault but my stupidity. But what if she misuses my card? What if she reveals it to media? Oh my God! No. What should I do now? I thought.

"Should I tell Kyle?" I mumbled and grabbed the phone...

"Hello Kyle?" I said.

"Hey Maysi" he said

"Kyle I want to tell you something. Something very very important." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Promise me first that you won't kill me" I said.

"Now what you did man?" He asked getting suspicious.

"I lost my ID card." I said

"YOU WHATTT?" He shouted.

"Kyle please listen-I-uh-I went to the convenience store and when I came to the parking..." I told him the whole matter and he slapped his face so hard that I could hear it on my phone.


"Stop shouting. I d-didn't do it on p-purpose. I am s-sorry" I said almost on the verge of crying.

"Don't start crying now. You saved someone and I am so proud of you for that." He said.

"Then why you shouted at me?" I asked.

"Because you lost your damn ID. What you did man. What the hell you did." He said.

"....." I didn't know what you say.

"Hey! You there? Don't take stress, I will find some way okay?" He said a little calmly.

"Hmm... okay" I said and hung up.

I should have at least asked her name. I thought.

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