Chapter 9: Again She

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(Kyle's pov)

"I wish I never meet her again." Mayson said, stomping his feet like a kid and I was struggling to control my laughter.

"I don't think I said anything funny" he said, folding his arms over his chest.

"Huh! N-no you didn't." I said

"Then why the hell are you smiling?" He asked.

"What? When? I am not smiling." I said.

He came closer to me and said, "yes you are smiling like an idiot and I can see that because you are too bad at controlling your emotions Mr manager."

I laughed loudly and said, "okay calm down Maysi. You look like an angry Pikachu. Why are you being so hyper?"

"Ofcourse I'm losing my temper. I couldn't sleep last night, today someone behaved like a jerk and now you are laughing at me." He shouted.

"Yahhh, I am not laughing at you. It's just...when you're angry your face turns funny." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"I knew she is some kind of jerk and that's why I wished you never see her again." I said.

"And how do you know it?" He asked.

"C'mon Maysi, this isn't literally the first time you met her. You've already met her that day and I clearly remember, you told me that the only thing she said to you was 'you are alive' and got vanished. Isn't it weird?" I said and he started thinking.

"Yeah it's weird." He mumbled.

"This is the reason I've always avoided finding her but you were so immersed in her eyes that you threatened to cancel the concert if I couldn't find her." I said.

"Sorry, but you know I wouldn't really do anything like that. It was....I just said....that's all." He said.

"It's ok, but I am warning you, don't approach her if you ever see her again. She is quite suspicious." I said worriedly. God knows what she wants. What if she harms him? I thought.

He nodded and mumbled "ok"

(Two days later)

(Mayson's pov)

I told Kyle about my nightmares and asked him if I should visit any psychiatrist and he said that I should. Although I don't like to ask his permission for everything, but it's necessary because he is my manager and moreover, he is my best friend. He knows all my fears and anxieties and therefore understands me better. His suggestions are always helpful and right.

I opened my drawer and took Dr Monica's visiting card and thought, I must go to her because I am having these nightmares as often as before.  Last night also I had a nightmare of drowning myself. I haven't slept for two nights in a row and there is no doubt that if I stay awake every night then I will get sick. So, without any further delay, I dialled the number written there and registered an appointment for the next day.

The next day, after the shooting for my next album, I went to the clinic and asked the receptionist, "excuse me? I have a VIP appointment for today. Can you see it please?"

"Sure sir" she said and looked for it and then told me to wait for few minutes as the doctor was busy with some other patients. A middle aged man came and escorted me to a special waiting room, where only VIPs are allowed. I sat there and heard the door knob open and someone came in but I didn't noticed the person untill I heard, "you?" I raised my head and was shocked to see the person. SHE. AGAIN.

What is she doing here? No please not again. I can't handle her attitude again. I yelled in my mind but asked politely as always, "Do you have an appointment too?"

"Not your business. But why the hell are you here?" She asked.

Same attitude. I thought and said, "for the basketball practice."

"I see, so you go to a CLINIC for basketball training. Now I understand why you are here." She said taunting me.

"What do mean?" I asked furrowing my brows.

"I mean usually people come here for mental checkups and I can see that your mental state is problematic. So you are in the right place." She said and smirked.

"Oh really? I think it's you who's behaving like a lunatic. So you're in the right place." I said angrily.

She laughed and said, "don't get angry Mr Forbes, you look like a fierce Pikachu."

Why everyone call me Pikachu whenever I get angry. Do I look like a cartoon? I thought and rolled my eyes.

It was almost five minutes and my turn hadn't come yet. I started feeling a little awkward because there was no one except both of us. "Do you mind if I ask your name?" Trust me I didn't want to talk to her, but I did just to break the ghostly silence.

"Yes" she said. I knew it, I thought.

"Umm...are you VIP?" I asked. I simply wanted to know that's all. I didn't mean to offend her or something.

"No, but I am allowed here." She said getting a little embarrassed.

"Oh...okay" I said and smiled just to not make her more uncomfortable.

"I always wait here whenever I come here because this place is usually quiet and empty but today is a bad day" she said glaring at me and I mentally slapped myself for asking her.

"Don't you think you have an attitude problem?" I asked.

"Don't you think you have a questioning problem?" She fired back.

I sighed annoyingly and leaned my head on the chair. I started feeling sleepy because I was awake last night.

"Don't sleep here?" She said sternly.

"Huh? Why?" I asked getting confused.

"Because I don't want your Pokemon head to fall on my shoulder." She said making a disgusting face as if I am a trash bin. But then I realised that I was sitting in the chair next to her. Literally, both of us were sitting next to each other with one centimetre gap, hopefully. I hastily got up and went to sit on a chair which was a little further away from her and thought of taking a nap but then a man entered and said, "Sir, you can come now."

"O thank you" I said and while leaving I heard her saying, "have an annoying day Mr Pikachu."

I rolled my eyes and went to the doctor's cabin.

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