Chapter 10: Nice Meeting

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I took a deep breath and entered the cabin. It was quite big and was very neat and clean. The walls and ceilings were painted light pink and a huge painting of tulips hung on the wall. There was a small glass table in the middle of the room and two chairs on either side of the table. In one corner of the room there was an LED TV mounted on the wall and a large couch was placed at some distance below it. To be honest, this place was giving more of a homely ambiance than a cabin.

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A smile appeared on my face when I saw the doctor standing at corner of the room holding a file in her hand

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A smile appeared on my face when I saw the doctor standing at corner of the room holding a file in her hand.

(Monica's pov)

The door opened and the most beautiful man entered the room and I was mesmerized by his beautiful features. He is just perfect. I am living the dream of millions of fans, right now. I can't believe my eyes that Mayson Forbes is standing in front of me. I thought.

"Hello Mr Forbes, it's an honour to meet you, please have a seat. I am sorry that you have to wait a little longer." I said and smiled nervously.

"No no please don't apologise you were just doing your duty. First of all I would like to say thank you for returning my ID and keeping that incident a secret as well. By the way, did you go home safely that day?" He asked worriedly but when he mentioned that incident, a wave of chill ran down my spine and I started feeling uncomfortable."Y-yes." I said and he noticed my uneasiness and said, "I am sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"No, it's ok, I am alright and I am really thankful to you for that day. I can't even imagine what would have happened if you weren't there." I said, struggling hard to control my emotions.

"Dr Stewart, calm down, okay? Let's not talk about it anymore. Please be comfortable." He said politely and I felt how nice and gentle he is. Where I should be the one to make him feel comfortable but it felt like I am the patient here and he is the doctor.

I nodded and thought to close that chapter and let's come to the point. I took a deep breath and asked, "okay so, what makes you come here?"

"Uh... n-nightmares." He said getting a little scared.

"What kind of nightmares do you have? I guess it's more than any nightmare because it's keeping you from sleeping for days. Isn't it?" I asked.

"Y-yes, but how do you know I haven't slept for days?" He asked curiously.

I chuckled and said, "tiredness and dark circles under your eyes are enough to know that, Mr Forbes. I can clearly see how tired you look and when you mentioned 'nightmares' the reason is obvious." He looked so tired and exhausted that if I tell him to sleep right now, he wouldn't hesitate a bit.

He muttered a little 'o' and then said, "yeah I am tired of it now. I don't know what to do. I don't want to see these nightmares. I just don't want to." His voice was quivering like he would cry right now.

"I understand and you don't have to do anything. I will, that's why I am here. Just relax and tell me everything. Okay? And don't worry about anything else because any conversation between us will be kept confidential." I assured him so that he could open up to me.

He relaxed a little and I offered him a glass of water. He took a sip and then started telling his problems. We talked for an hour and he told me all his problems. He also mentioned an incident from his childhood and then I remembered something terrible from my past. That well! I thought but soon erased my thoughts because that wasn't the right time.

"Hmm...seems like everything is related to your past." I said and he nodded in understanding.

"You mentioned that there was a gap of about a year when you didn't have any bad dreams. Do you remember anything special that happened during that period?" I asked furrowing my brows.

"As far as I can remember I was quite happy and really busy last year. I had three concerts and in the span of one to two months I attended an award show and I won..." Before he could finish I said happily, "yeah you won two awards last year, I know. Congratulations by the way."

He thanked me with a smile and then continued, "...I won two awards and finally I went to visit my family and this time I stayed with them for a long time, I think about two months."

"It means you were quite happy last year?" I asked.

"Yes I was." He said and I could clearly see the happiness in his eyes.

"Then you should be happy more often." I said but he looked confused.

"I'm going to tell you a technique and I'm sure it will work. Do you write a diary or a journal?" I asked.

"No" He said.

"Then start writing it. Write everything in there that makes you feel good or bad, just write. You can write anything, anytime, anywhere but keep it personal. Don't tell or show anyone what you write, not even me. No one, got it?" I asked and he nodded yes.

"Well, I am prescribing you some sleeping pills, take one pill before bed at night but do not take it too often or daily. One more thing, whenever you get time read your diary but only the good memories. It will make you nostalgic but will help to calm your mind." I said.

"Okay, I'll do the same as you told. Umm... Dr Stewart, can I ask you something?" He asked.

"Sure" I said.

"Why have you decorated this place like a living room?" He asked.

"Why? You don't like it?" I asked and chuckled.

"No no I liked it very much, that's why I am asking." He said.

"Actually this is my sister's idea. She told me to make it 'feel like home' so that my patients feel comfortable and can open up to me more easily." I said.

"O it's really great. Your sister must be quite smart." He said and we both laughed at his complement.

"Thank you so much doctor, it was really nice to meet you." he said.

"Pleasure is mine." I said and we both shook hands before he left.

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