Chapter 14: That Mesmerizing Dance

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When I opened the door, I saw that she was sitting on the chair. On seeing me she stood up and came towards me to ask, "is it the rule of this place that people should be made to wait for so long?"

"You are a dancer right?" I asked and she replied yes, getting a little confused and then I said, "if you are a dancer it means you are an artist and I think an artist should be calm and patient otherwise they are considered a bad artist."

If she will behave in her f*cking attitude then I will show her that side of me which I am sure she will never want to see again. I thought and smirked.

"So you are saying that I am a bad artist?" She asked raising her brows.

"You are smart enough to understand what I mean." I said.

"But you are not smart enough to judge a dancer on the basis of anything but dance." She said and smirked.

She is a...calm down Mayson...calm down... I thought and said, "if you think you are a great dancer then prove it."

"Excuse me? I already proved it and so here I am." She said.

"I don't care. I want to see your performance now and only then I will decide whether you will be my co-dancer or not." I said sternly.

"Oh really! YOU will decide? For your kind information, let me tell you that it has already been decided that I am your co-dancer and if you have any objection to this then you will have to cancel the shoot. This is told to me by Mr Kyle." She said and smirked.

This brat...I killed Kyle in my imagination and then said, "fine, I will cancel the shoot then." ofcourse I can't...I thought.

"Huh?" She got confused.

"Perform right now" I ordered her and she was a little taken aback by it which makes me smile proudly.

"What the....What if I don't?" She said getting angry and a giggle escaped my mouth. Just look at your face. Where is your godamn attitude now? I thought and said, "then get out and show your so called talent somewhere else." She got offended by what I said and I felt bad for it. I shouldn't be this rude... But she is rude too, so I don't care. I thought and was about to leave but a soulful melody stopped me. When I turned, I saw that the melody was coming from her cell phone and then I saw something which made my mouth open wide.

I felt as if church bells were ringing and an angel was twirling with the rhythm. Her moves, her expressions, everything was so perfect, so flawless. For a moment I felt like I was in heaven. I was getting mesmerized and literally possessed by her graceful moves. "Beautiful" escaped my mouth and unconsciously I started walking towards her. I felt like I was being dragged and I couldn't stop myself moving towards her. When she turned, I was so close that she was shocked which made her lost balance but before she could even touch the ground I grabbed her by the waist and her hands effortlessly grabbed my tee.

"Are you ok?" I asked and she nooded getting embarrassed.

"I'm s-sorry I didn't mean to interrupt y-your performance...ahem...ahem" I said and faked a cough.

She stood there dumbfounded and it was kinda cute. I mentally slapped myself for thinking nonsense and finally get back to the earth.

"Come tomorrow sharp at 10 am" I said with a straight face.

"Huh? You mean I am selected?" She asked getting excited and HAPPY. Yes, happy. She was genuinely happy which was totally different from her sassy side.

"Yes" I said and immediately ran out. I heard a low "how rude" but I didn't dare to say anything, because if I had stayed there even for a second, I would have gone crazy because of her duality.

The next morning after having breakfast I went to the dance studio. I didn't feel like going there at all because going there meant tolerating her sassy attitude but at the same time I was feeling hella excited God knows why. Even though she is rude, I cannot deny the fact that she is indeed a great dancer. I had worked with many great artists but none of them were like her. She is very different. She has some unique kind of aura. Very unique. I thought.

After reaching the studio I talked to my choreographer Ian and we went to the practice hall. Ian is not only my choreographer but also a good friend. He has been in this industry for fifteen years and he has choreographed almost all my songs.

When we entered the hall I thought she would already be there because I was already five minutes late but the hall was empty. I smirked mentally as I got a reason to scold her. We waited there for a few more minutes and then I heard someone's footsteps and turned to look at 'the sweaty Maya Stewart' at the entrance of the hall. She entered slowly and said, "I'm sorry for being late, I won't repeat it again." Before Ian could say anything I said, "I told you to come on time and you are ten minutes late. If you have no value for time then you are most welcome to leave." She stood there with her head hung low and didn't utter a word. Strange. I thought, because I was expecting some rude behaviour from her, but then it dawned on me that I'm not alone and maybe that's why she is pretending to be nice.

"Ms Stewart please come on time next time because my schedule is full and I can't spend extra time here. I hope you understand." He said politely and I eyed him 'c'mon dude!'

"Ok guys, let's not waste any more time and start the practice." He said.

Oh c'mon Ian at least you could have warned her. She is ten minutes late! I thought.

"Okay so I'm going to teach you the steps first and then we'll do it with the music... So let's start...1..2..3..4..." He started showing the steps and we started following him.

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