Chapter 4: Found Him and Finding Her

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(Someone's pov)

"I found him sister" I said.

"Who?" She asked.

"You know who I am talking about" I said.

"You mean that boy?" She asked curiously.

"Hmmm... THAT BOY or should I say my prey?" I said smirking.

"Why are you doing this to him? Whatever happened is not his fault." She said.

"I have done nothing yet but will soon." I said.

"I am telling you for the last time, leave him alone. He is innocent." She said sternly.

"Why are you taking his side, is he your boyfriend?" I asked getting angry.

"What the..." She said.

"Since when did you start taking pity on them sister? They are the reason we are here. They are the reason we lost everything. HE IS THE REASON FOR EVERYTHING. They ruined our lives and I will ruin their." I said and looked in the mirror with a sinister smile.

(Seven days later)

(Mayson's pov)

It's been a week since that incident happened. I almost died that day. Well, to be honest, whenever I remember that day, I do not feel scared because the only thing that comes to my mind is that beautiful face. Or should I say those beautiful eyes. Golden brown eyes. I wonder if humans have such beautiful eyes?... Who was she? How did she save me? Was she an angel who came flying from somewhere and caught me? Whoever she was, she saved my life, so yeah she is an angel... an angel to me.

"Oye back to earth." Kyle waved his hand in front of me, interrupting my thoughts.

"Why do you always interrupt whenever I think something good?" I asked getting annoyed.

"Yeah yeah, I know your nobel thoughts. Stop thinking about your imaginary girlfriend for a while now because the concert is about to begin." He said.

"First, she is not my girlfriend and second she is not imaginary." I said.

"Whatever go and get ready" he said.

"Find her." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Find her. I want to meet her and thank her and..."

"Kiss her." He said and started laughing.

"Give me a good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now." I said and kicked him.

"Because you don't want me to haunt you." He said laughing.

"Yahhhhh... Stop your nonsense and just try to find her." I yelled.

"How can I find anyone on the basis of GOLDEN BROWN EYES. You haven't even seen her face." He yelled back.

"I don't know anything, either find her or cancel the concert." I said folding my arms over my chest.

"What? Are you out of your mind?" He said getting angry.

"Yes I am and now I am not doing any concert." I said and sat on the chair stubbornly because I know unless I stir him up, he will do nothing.

"Don't do this my brother I will lose my job and we will both get flying shoes from your fans." He said and I started laughing.

"Ok ok fine, but promise me that you will try to find her." I said while raising my pinky finger to him.

"I will. Promise." He said and wrapped his pinky on mine.

The concert was great. This is the only place where I feel like heaven. Thousands of people cheer, praise, clap, shout my feels so good. I don't know why they love me so much I did nothing for them except entertainment. I didn't feel tired during the whole concert and it's just because of my lovely fans, but now I am feeling tired as hell.

Where the hell is this Kyle now. I asked him to meet me right after the concert. I didn't even see him during my performance. I thought.

(Kyle's Pov)

"Ok, call me on this number if you find any information. Alright thanks." I said to the person I was talking to.

I should go now or else Maysi is gonna kill me. He must be worried about me. I thought and drove the car.

I went to his dorm and knocked on the door.

He opened the door and asked, "hey, where were you?"

I went in and said, "Sunbeam Mountain"

"What? Why?" He asked getting curious.

"Who the hell told me to find a pair of golden brown eyes?" I asked.

He started laughing and suddenly hugged me dangerously saying, "oh my god Kyle, thank you so much dude. I can't believe you actually went there to find her!"

"I ca-can't b-breathe." I said and shoved him.

"Oh sorry, but did you find anything? Any information? Who is she? Where does she lives? Did you find her address?..." He started asking me so many questions in a row that I cut him by shouting, "CALM DOWN PLEASE"

He fell silent and then I took a deep breath and said, "Maysi, I could not find anything about her. See, I inquired a lot of people there and everyone told me the same thing that there is no village or any place to live near there, people just come to visit and then leave, so one thing is confirmed by this, she doesn't live there. Maybe she would have come to visit like us and then she would have gone."

After listening he just hummed sadly and didn't said anything.

"Maysi, I understand you but I don't think you will ever meet her again. Just forget it brother because we have no choice." I said calmly.

"Hmm... you are right. I should forget it." He mumbled.

"Hey! Don't get sad if by any chance I get any information I will let you know, ok?" I said and he smiled.

"By the way, thanks Kyle, at least you tried." He said.

"You are always welcome. Well, I am leaving now and you take some rest, you must be very tired." I said and left from there.

I don't know why, I am feeling something suspicious in this matter. Maysi is a famous and successful man. There is no doubt that so many people are jealous of his success. Though he has millions of fans but he has haters too. Is she...huh! She came there out of the blue just to save him? After that she got vanished! I thought. "I wish he never meet her again." I mumbled.

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