Chapter 12: Maya

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"Who is it? I mean what's her name?" I asked and he said, "Maya Stewart"

"Well, is she worth this job?" I asked and he said that she is perfect for this and he also checked all her documents and there is no problem. So, I am fine with that and afterall I trust Kyle. He won't do anything wrong.

Maya, I hope we get on well together. I thought and lay on the bed.

As soon as I put my phone on the bed, it started ringing again and I saw caller ID. It was Dr Monica. I immediately picked up the phone and said "hello."

"Hello, am I talking to Mr Forbes?" She asked.

"Yes, speaking" I said politely.

"Hello, how are you? You had an appointment yesterday but you didn't come so I thought I should ask if everything is okay. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you." She said.

"Oh no no you are not bothering me at all and I am sorry, I actually forgot about my appointment." I said rubbing my temple. I remembered that I had registered an appointment as I was under a lot of stress these days because of this so called mess so I thought of meeting her. Was I really stressed or just looking for a reason to meet her? She is so concerned about me that she called me! Wow. I thought and smirked.

"Please don't be sorry, it's totally okay? Is there anything important that you had made an appointment for?" She asked politely.

"Uh... nothing much... it's just I am stressed because of work load... maybe. So... I-I thought to meet you. I-I mean just a casual meeting... But don't worry, I am ok now." I said and laughed nervously. I should tell her but I can't disclose about it publicly. But she is my psychiatrist and she keeps everything confidential. Right? I thought.

"Mr Forbes" she said.


"Mr Forbes?" She said a little louder.

"Huh? Yeah... sorry I just zoned out." I said.

"Are you sure you are okay? You are making me worry now." She said getting concerned.

"Dr Stewart, if I tell you, will you keep it confidential?" I asked.

"Offcourse I will. I had already told you, whatever the matter is will only be between me and you." She said

"Ok..." I mumbled.

"Mr Forbes, I am not forcing you, tell me only if you want to. Okay?" She said politely.

"I want to tell you everything, but I can't tell you on the phone. Can I come to your clinic?" I asked.

"Right now?" She asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Okay you can, no problem." She said.

"Thank you, I am coming within a few minutes. Bye." I said and cut the line.

I put on a hoodie and ran towards my car. Within minutes I reached the clinic and entered her cabin. As I entered, I was welcomed by the beautiful smile of a beautiful lady.

"Welcome Mr Forbes, please have a seat."she said.

"Thank you" I said.

"So?" She asked.

"Huh? So... what?" I asked getting confused.

She chuckled and said politely, "you wanted to tell me something, that's why you come. Right?"

"O...yeah"I said and started telling, "I booked an appointment for yesterday because I-I just wanted to talk to you. No I mean I-I... I wanted to tell you that I am doing good." Embarrassing. What nonsense are you saying Mayson? I thought and continued, "actually something very important came up so I couldn't come."

"It's alright, I understand." She said.
(Monica's POV)

"It's alright, I understand." I said.

He was looking quite disturbed so I told him to relax and offered him a glass of water. He took a sip and started telling his problem.

"Actually, my co-dancer got into an accident and it's a hit and run case but unfortunately she couldn't see the culprit or the car number." He said.

"Oh my god! How is she now?" I asked.

"I would not say that she is fine because her leg is badly injured. Although the doctor has said that it is not so serious but still she needs bed rest at least for two months and I have shoot for my next album in the coming month." He said.

"Hmm... it's a bit complicated." I said and nodded in understanding.

"So, what have you decide? Will the shoot be cancelled?" I asked.

"No way, I had already signed the contract and the good thing is we've already found a new dancer." He said smiling brightly.

"That's good. May I know who that lucky person is?" I smiled and asked.

He giggled and said, "Her name is Maya."

"Maya!" I said getting a little suspicious.

Is it she? No, there will be many people named Maya. But what if... I thought and asked curiously, "Mr Forbes, if you don't mind, may I know her full name?"

"Maya Stewart" he said and my eyes got widened after hearing her name.

What? What the hell! How could she do this? She didn't even tell me. She is going too far now...I was thinking but my thoughts got interrupted by his voice, "Doctor? Dr Stewart?"

"Huh? E-Excuse me" I said and went to the washroom. "How could you do this Maya? I knew you'd surely do something nasty but I haven't imagine that you will go this far." I whispered to myself. "Maya. My sister is going to shoot with Mayson Forbes. Wow" I mumbled and laughed bitterly. I started panicking and my heart was pounding like hell. I can't even tell him that his co-dancer is none other than my sister. What if he knows our identity? Will he hurt her? No I won't let that happen. She is my only family and I cannot lose her. But I can't let her harm anyone else too, specially Mayson. I am sure she will do something bad to him that's why she is doing all this. What should I do now?.... ahhhhhhh. I said in my mind and punched the mirror above the sink and it broke into pieces.

"Dr Stewart...are you alright?" I heard a voice from outside the door.

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