Chapter 18: Ready To Confront

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(Monica's POV)

"Thank you Dr Stewart, you really make me happy all the time"...Don't know why his words are echoing in my head. Not really echoing but like some soft melody playing in my ears. No one ever said something like this to me. It's not like people don't show their gratitude to me but his words always sounds very different from others. I feel like he mean it everytime he says something good.

"Seems like someone is immersed in their own world." I heard a female voice and turned to see... "Maya!" I said.

"Hey! How you doing?" She asked and smiled. I was shocked as she had been away for many days and didn't even bother to contact me and now she suddenly came here.

"Aren't going to welcome your sister?" She asked.

"You...why...suddenly appeared?" I asked, almost stammering and her face dropped.

"Wow, seeing your sister after so many days but you said what...why I am here" she said with a sad tone.

"Hey! No I didn't mean it. You had disappeared for almost a month. I even tried to contact you but you didn't want me to do that so you kept your phone switched off all the time and now you are here all of a sudden." I said sternly.

She was taken aback and said, "I know I didn't tell you anything and I am sorry for that. Okay? But now I will tell you everything."

"Perhaps I already know what you want say." I said.

"Look I..." She was going to say something but I stopped her and said, "why don't you just say you just went to mess with Mayson."

"So you were just worried about HIM? Not me? Why? Just why? Now he's become so important to you that you don't even care about me!" She yelled.

"I was worried about you, you idiot." I yelled back in a dangerously loud voice. She was startled and tears started forming in her eyes. I was taken aback by this, so I rushed towards her and immediately engulfed her in a tight hug.

"I missed you Maya. Although I was angry with you for not telling me anything, I was worried like hell for you." I said gently rubbing her back.

"I missed you too big sister. I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything, but if I had told you about it, you wouldn't have let me go there. Would you?" She asked wiping her tears.

"No. I wouldn't have let you go there and I won't also support whatever you're doing but I won't stop you either. Maya, you are my sister and you are more important to me than anyone or anything else. Please don't think that I don't care for you." I said and she smiled and then she started telling me everything...

"Say it now" I said annoyed because for last one hour we are sitting in my bedroom as she said she has to talk something important with me so I am staring at her face for one hour when will this little devil open her mouth.

"Just a minute." She said biting her nails.

"I'm going then" I said and stood up frustrated.

"Noooo wait." She said and holding my wrist.

" should I start." She mumbled.

"Maya I swear I'm going to smash your head now." I said, picking up the vase on the table.

"Ahhhhhhh...No no no. I'm telling. Don't kill me." She said, dramatically scared.

"Okay listen. As we know that Forbes family is our enemy and their eldest son, Mayson, is our target. Right?" She said.

"Your target." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. So, my plan is to collect every single information about his family and for that I have be close to him. Like friends you know." She said.

"So? You told me you two are working together for a music album, so you guys must have gotten along pretty well already." I said.

"I get along so well that he doesn't even want to see my face." She said mumbling the last part of the sentence.

"What do you mean?" I asked getting suspicious.

"From day one I behaved rude with him but now I want to behave normal and I don't know how to start now because I already messed everything up." She said and paused for a moment and then told me everything, literally everything and I was dumbfounded.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You acted like a jerk from the beginning and now you want to be his friend!" I said. Now I understand what he meant by 'attitude disorder.' I thought.

"Hey stop shouting. It's not that it's only my fault, he also behaved rudely. Sometimes." She said mumbling the last word.

"Ofcourse he would. After messing with someone's head, what else can you except from him." I said.

"I know and that's why I need your help. Please do something. Sister you are a psychiatrist, you can at least give me some good advice." She said with pleading eyes.

"Yeah, I'm a psychiatrist, not a 'friendship adviser'." I said and looked at her googly eyes which of course I can't resist but to accede to her request. She's been using this trick since we're children and I always have to admit her stupidity.

"Okay okay I'll help you but first let me think." I said and sighed.

"Thank you sister. I love you." She said and hugged me.

"Yahhh! Now stop being dramatic." I said and chuckled.

(Maya's POV)

Sitting on the chair, I was shaking my legs and biting my lips because I have already chewed up all my nails. Nervous, extremely nervous. I have never been in front of the camera before in my life, I even rarely talk with people and now I have to shoot in front of so many people and that too with HIM. Not going to lie, I really appreciate these humans who are in this profession. Always hiding their emotions, sadness, anger everything with a fake smile. They can't let anyone know what they're actually feeling because there's always some flashlights ready to capture them with bright eye blinding smirk.

I don't know if I can do it or not. Poor me. I thought. I want this 'shooting thing' to over quickly so that I can talk to Mayson. I have to be very calm and gentle towards him and no matter what I have to apologise to him. That's what my sister told.

I took a deep breath, ready to confront everything. Fingers crossed.

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