Chapter 16: Recognise

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"I miss you..." I whispered to myself and then heard my phone ring. I looked at the caller ID and it was none other than HIM. I immediately picked up and said, "hello Mr Forbes?"

"Ms. Stewart." He said. As soon as I heard him, I felt as if time had stopped for a moment. I felt so many emotions at one point that I was unable to form any words.

"Hello...Ms. Stewart? Are you there?" He asked.

"Huh! I-y-yes." I stuttered and a chuckle was heard from the other end which made my heart beat faster, causing my veins to gush out blood leaving a rosy tinge on my cheeks.

"I am sorry I couldn't receive your call as I put my phone on silent. Is everything okay? I saw your forty five missed calls!" He asked and I could literally imagine his cute worried face which wasn't helping the situation at all and made my heart beat even faster.

I took a deep breath and said, "Mr Forbes can we meet somewhere? I think it would be better if we talk face to face."

"Sure, where should we meet?" He asked.

"Anywhere is fine." I said.

"So let's meet at 'Feel at home' cafe. Is it fine?" He asked.

"Yes it's fine. I will reach there around 4 pm after closing my clinic." I said.

"You don't have to... I mean I'll pick you up." He said.

"You don't need to bother, I can come by my own." I said.

"You are not a bother, so I'll come and pick you up." He said...kind of pleaded and I couldn't able to refuse, so I agreed to him.

It was exactly four in the evening and I was waiting for him in front of my clinic. Fifteen minutes had already passed and I thought to call him to ask whether he will come or not but it would be rude so I thought to wait for few more minutes. It was half past four when I saw a black coloured car coming towards me which was slowing down and finally stopped in front of me. The door opened and he came out of the car with his signature smile that made my heart skip a beat.

"Hello Ms Stewart." He said and bowed a little.

"Hello" I said bowing too.

"I am extremely sorry to have kept you waiting so long. Actually something has come up." He said.

"It's alright. You don't have to apologise for that." I said and smiled.

"So shall we go?" He asked and I said "sure."

He opened the car door for me like a gentleman and I took the passanger seat while he took the driver's seat. For a moment I wondered why he had come here all alone. It is not safe for a person like him to go anywhere alone like this.

The whole ride was silent and we reached there within twenty minutes. We both got out of the car and went inside the cafe. We took seats in the corner which was a little away from the crowded area.

"Let's order something first." He said passing the menu card. I took it and started looking the menus. Meanwhile, a waiter came to take our orders. "One Arrabbiata red sauce pasta and one chocolate oreo cookie shake." I said and looked at him gesturing to order his food and he said, "same as her." The waiter took the orders and left.

"How are you doing these days?" He asked.

"I am doing good. What about you? I haven't heard from you in a while." I said.

"Hmm...I am fine, just a little busy these days." He said.

"Are you under stress? You can tell me." I said.

"Not too much but a little stressed." He said.

"Umm... Mr Forbes, can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Sure" he said.

"Is it safe for you to come here with me without hiding your identity, or without any security? I mean, you know paparazzi and all..." I said hesitantly.

He smiled and said, "don't worry about that. No one will recognise, even if someone will, that person will not interfere, at least not here."

"Are you sure?" I asked getting surprised.

"Yeah, except for the owner of this cafe." He said and took a deep breath and then continued to speak, "when I first came here, a lady recognised me. That day I came here all alone. Today, at least you are here with me." After hearing those words, I couldn't help but smile.

He smiled too and then started speaking, "after entering, when I took a seat, a lady suddenly approached me and asked, 'You are Mayson Forbes, right?' I got nervous and didn't know what to do. Right then and there, two kids came up to me and started asking me for my autograph. Those kids were so loud that no one was left in the cafe to know who I was. I started to panic as I saw a few more people coming towards me. But, suddenly, I heard a stern voice of a man say, 'he is not Mayson Forbes. He is our daily costomer.' I was shocked to hear those words but didn't say anything as I saw people arround me started leaving and minding their own business. After that, when I was about to leave, that man came to me and said, 'sir, I am truly sorry for being so rude. I am sure you are Mayson Forbes but I said those words so people wouldn't bother you. I saw that you were getting panic so I decided to take a step before the situation gets out of my hand. As the owner of this cafe, it's my duty to take care of my customers.' After listening his words I gave him tons of thanks for saving me that day and since then whenever I come here no one recognise me or even if few people do, he always takes care of it."

"He is indeed a gentleman." I said.

"Yes, he is. And what I think is, if I'm with my bodyguards everytime, I'll be in more trouble. Don't you think it would be easier to recognise me as a VIP if I always took them with me everywhere?" He asked. I nodded and thought He is right. In such a case he will be easily recognised by people.

"By the way you wanted to talk about something. What is it?" He asked all of a sudden.

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