Before I Die,

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Before I die,
I'd like to do something nice.
Take my hand and I'll take you for a ride.

It had now been days, Nathalie had basically decomposed, her body couldn't function on its own as she was now on life support, she had very minimal brain activity, practically none.

And she was in a medically induced coma.

In her will it was decided that Gabriel must choose what to do with her if she was ever in a state where she couldn't make her own decisions,

Knowing Gabriel, he would do everything in his power to keep her alive, but even so she knew that if it was her time to go, he would let her go.

Knowing Nathalie on the other hand, when she first grew sick she wrote an abundance of letters for her loved ones to read if there was ever a day in which they wouldn't be together.

In Adrien's letter she told him all about the treachery her and Gabriel performed.

Gabriel sat by her day and night, waiting for a sign, anything that could assure him that the love of his life would be a-okay.

He hadn't eaten or slept in days, the prominent, dark rings encircling his eyes made that quite obvious.

Today, if she didn't show any sign of brain activity, her will stated that she must be unplugged because she doesn't want to be gorked.

Gabriel didn't know what happened, he didn't know when she slipped away from his grasp, falling into a, hopefully not, eternal slumber,

Adrien was worried for his father, never in his life had he seen him so, disgruntled.

God, he would give anything to have one more minute with her, well in a state where her body was aware that she was still somewhat living.

He was afraid he'd never love again after Emilie, he surely wouldn't if Nathalie died on him like Emilie did.

A/N: Short chapter, I know I'm sorry but it's 3am and I can't sleep and I didn't know what else to add.

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