Valentine's Day

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You and me always forever.
We could stay alone together.
You and me always forever.
Say you'll stay never be separate.

Today was Valentine's Day, which means that all the sappy morons, as, Nathalie called them, would be out and about while she worked and made herself miserable over not having a valentine, or a guy.

She and Gabriel would kiss but they weren't exclusive, yet every time she interacted with Gabriel's other employees they'd call her 'Mrs.Agreste', she usually brushed it off but today was different, today she was moody and would most likely yell at them.

"Mrs.Agreste?" Gabriel's model called out to her, she was dressed in all red because all of Gabriel's employees must be dressed up in red and white for valentine's day, and they have to act happy and lovey-dovey.

And it wasn't just like their regular clothes but in red or red and white. They had to actually dress up.

It sucked. She figured she could get out of it because she was practically killing herself for him and he, very frequently, kisses her!

But no, she still had to be all bright and shiny and dressed in red or red and white.

She felt ridiculous, she looked like a clown! Well, at least to herself she did.

She was wearing red stilettos and a figure fitting red dress that fell to her mid-thigh.

For God's sakes! The woman was wearing red nail polish on both her finger and toe nails because her heels were open toed!

She hated it, she had white pearls strung around her neck and wrist and long dangly red and white earrings.

Her make up was atrocious to her. A bright red lip, blush that was way too red for her, a smokey red eye and even her eyeliner was red.

She couldn't even keep her hair in a bun, so it fell gracefully over her shoulders and her curls bounced evenly whenever she walked.

Gabriel found it greatly amusing.

And now she was at his valentine's day event.

"I'm not, Mrs.Agreste." Nathalie laughed bitterly at the young model.

"Mrs.Agreste is dead, underneath my boss' mansion." She whispered to herself as she swirled her cocktail around in its glass, thankfully no one heard her.

I mean come on! The sign infront of the building said 'Mr. Agreste and Mrs. Gabriel Agreste', it was infuriating

She then decided it was time to find Gabriel.

She saw him at the end of the red carpet talking to reporters.

"Hey, you didn't have to come." Gabriel smiled as he layed eyes upon Nathalie walking down the red carpet.

"No, I did, it was mandatory for all your employees." She chuckled softly.

"Well you're different, you're not just an employee to me." He whispered, he didn't want to create a scandal.

"Oh? So what am I then?" Nathalie quirked a brow.

"I- you look ravishing, Nathalie." He said softly and quietly.

"Mr. and Mrs. Agreste? Your table is over there." A waitress suddenly came up to them.

"We're not-" They began at the same time.

"Oh, I'm sorry." The waitress smiled nervously.

"Its just that, the way you two act and the ring-" She twidled her thumbs.

"Yeah, we get that a lot." Nathalie said through gritted teeth.


They were now in the car.

"Mrs.Agreste?! Mrs.Agreste?!" Nathalie yelled and she stripped herself of her dress. leaving her in her undergarments.

"I know," Gabriel sighed and placed a hand on her knee.

"I mean, seriously! Seriously? Mrs.Agreste?!"

Nathalie flailed her arms.

"Nathalie, put your dress back on." He faced away from her to give her privacy.


"I know."

"I don't do red carpet walking, I don't miss work, and I don't do Valentine's day!" Nathalie grumbled, pulling her change of clothes over her head.

He side eyed her with a small smirk.

"You're gonna have to make this up to me with a lot of sex." She joked.

"Yes, dear." Gabriel whispered quietly.

They both laughed at the little joke they made.

Neither of them knew when they so close that they could make jokes like that but they both loved it.

A/N: Any Grey's fans recognize some of this? Anywaysssss I hope you're all having an amazing Valentine's day, I know I am with my flowers, chocolates, bears and dinner and my friends resent me for it but we love eachother, really.

So this doesn't necessarily change the story line, but there might be some mentions of it in upcoming chapters.

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