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Noel, Noel,
The story of amazing love.
The light of the world, given for us,

A/N: i do still recommend listening to Jacob and the Stone for this chapter as well. I love this song sm, it's so beautiful.

"Her heart rate's in the 200s, she's tachycardic and she's going into v-fib! Someone grab the paddles!"


"She's got a fever of 42° and she's hemorrhaging, we need to get her a blood tranfusion now!"

"43° now, doc!"

"She's seizing!"

"She's got a pneumothorax!"

"Start pumping her with oxytocin, diazepam and acetaminophen now!"

"Let's intubate her!"

Was all Gabriel and Penny heard outside od the trauma unit at the hospital they'd been taken to.

Gabriel had completely zoned out, that was until a nurse came and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Mr. Agreste? Would you like to see your daughter?"

Gabriel nodded silently, standing up slowly, Penny trailed behind him with tears in her eyes.

"There she is."

Gabriel's eyes wondered to the tiny little baby laying almost lifelessly inside of the incubator, with what seemed like a million tubes and wires coming out of her, the smallest oxygen mask he'd ever seen on her and so many other things he didn't even know existed.

"Do you have a name picked out for her?" The nurse asked softly.

"My wi-, my fiancé does I think, she was going to tell me today." He whispered.

Penny broke right then and there, sobbing like a baby.

The nurse gave Gabriel a pitiful look and walked over to Penny to sit her down. She then went back for Gabriel and took him to sit down as well, where they could all still see the baby.

"Your fiancé and daughter contracted sepsis, that's what's making Nathalie so sick, she also begun to hemorrhage shortly after birth, as you know. Your daughter is a strong little girl, Mr. Agreste, just like Nathalie. They're both going to make it."

Gabriel gave her a nod of acknowledgement before returning his gaze to his daughter.

And that was the first time Gabriel Agreste had ever fallen to his knees in prayer.

He begged God, he begged anyone who was willing to listen, he begged them to save his fiancé and his daughter.

He opened his eyes momentarily to glance at the motionless little girl laying in the incubator.

While he gazed at his daughter, Penny slipped away to Nathalie's room, she looked at her lifeless figure on the bed, wondering how one person could go through so much and still manage to make it.

During her train of thought, she saw Nathalie's finger twitch, Penny raced to her bedside and pressed on a button to call a nurse.

"Nathalie? Nathalie, can you hear me?" The brightest light Nathalie had ever seen blinded her momentarily as she awoke.

"Nathalie." The smile was evident in her voice.

"Emilie? Oh my God, what are you doing here?!" Nathalie gasped, pullung herself up and running over to hug her.

"That doesn't matter right now, right now, you need to wake up, you need to go back, and you need to do it now. Before it's too late."

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