Beautiful Boy

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The monster's gone,
He's on the run,
And your daddy's here.
Beautiful boy.

Right before opening the door Nathalie broke down.

"No, I can't, I can't do this-" She panicked.

"Nathalie, look at me. Breathe, you can do this. You did not fail him, he won't scorn you." Gabriel smiled gently, holding her shoulders.

"It's our son in there. Our son who was dead. It's a miracle, Nath. Our miracle."

Nathalie nodded softly, wiping her fiancé's teary eyes.

"We're ready." Nathalie's voice trembled.

Dr. Meeks nodded softly, opening the plain white doors.

Nathalie's eyes widened and her knees trembled when she layed eyes upon a little boy no more than a year or two.

"Oh, God, Timothée." Nathalie sobbed.

"How is that possible? He-He should be older!" She cried.

"A lot of things seem to be impossible, Mrs. Agreste." Dr. Weeks whispered.

"Can we....can we touch him?" Gabriel's voice came out softly behind the two.

"Of course, go ahead." The doctor smiled.

Nathalie and Gabriel drew closer to the little boy. He was small, fragile. He had the brighest blue eyes you'd ever seen, a unique combination of his mother and father, brown hair that rested as curls all around his head, he had long eyelashes and a cute button nose.

His lips were fixed in a pout as he focused on his drawing.

"Oh my, God." Nathalie gasped.

"He's so beautiful." She whispered.

Gabriel wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close, the two slowly and carefully walking up to their son.

"Timothée, I'd like to introduce you to your mommy and daddy." Dr. Meeks smiled, grabbing the boy's attention.

"Mama? Daddy?" That was the first time Gabriel and Nathalie heard his voice.

"He can speak?" Nathalie sobbed.

"Yes, he's just begun to form sentences." The doctor smiled softly.

"Yes, it's me, my darling boy." Gabriel whispered, walking up to him and falling to his knees before him.

"I'm your daddy." He whimpered.

"Daddy?" The little boy beamed, doing his best to get off of the chair that was about his size and fall into his father's arms.

Gabriel sobbed, hugging the little boy tightly, though careful not to pull out any of the wires attachted to him. "It's lovely to meet you again, Theo."

"My beautiful, beautiful boy."

Nathalie stood a few feet away from them, clutching her stomach as she cried, she felt an overwhelming urge to protect her children, even though there was no imminent danger.

Watching her fiancé and her son whom not until a few hours ago, thought was dead, she felt herself relax a bit, a fluttering sensation entered her heart.

She walked up them and carefully sunk to her knees, taking in the sight of her child.

"Hi, buddy." Nathalie sniffled, smiling gently.

"Mama!" The toddler flew into her arms, hugging her carelessly, they were fascinated by how quickly he warmed up to them, especially Dr. Meeks, as he knew the boy to be quite shy and standoffish.

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