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UA Staff chat + (Y/N)

BDSM: Hey (Y/N) what are your pronouns?

(Y/N): They/them, what is everyone's?
(Y/N): Also, I thought y'all weren't gonna talk on here bc of me being a 'security breach'

BDSM: Everyone here is the same as their 'character'
BDSM: Nezu told 'Hobo' to quit worrying so much

(Y/N): Well, if we're going by character standards, Aizawa is a worry wort


(Y/N): Uh- Yes? It's not that difficult to find out? 
(Y/N): I'm bad with names so I have to look it up every once in a while

BDSM: How much do you know about us?

(Y/N): Actual information? A lot
(Y/N): Fandom information? A shit ton

BDSM: Idk if I should be in awe or be terrified 

(Y/N): Yes :)

BDSM: Oh God it's another Nezu

(Y/N): Lies, he's super smart, I'm big dumb

BDSM: Aw, don't talk about yourself like that, it's not nice

(Y/N): May not be nice but it sure as hell is true lmao

BDSM: That just RADIATES of self-deprecation

(Y/N): You-
(Y/N): are not wrong lol

BDSM: Do you need to talk? That's not something people normally joke about

(Y/N): Naw I'm fine, humor is my generations coping mechanism
(Y/N): Our humor is warped as hell and scares old people but it's hilarious

BDSM: I know I'm kinda just a stranger but if you want to talk then I'm here

(Y/N): Thank you! It's just kinda nice being in this chat if I'm honest

BDSM: May I ask why?

(Y/N): Yeah, it's cause a lot of characters in 'your' world are my comfort characters

BDSM: Hound Dog I need an explanation

Therapist: Comfort characters are fictional characters that someone finds comfort in and/or relates to

BDSM: Oh thanks

Therapist: Also, (Y/N), if it would be alright with you, could you privately message me? I would like to hear more on your comfort characters and why them,

(Y/N): I'm gonna be psychoanalyzed, aren't I?

Therapist: Yes

(Y/N): Cool
(Y/N): Try to manipulate me via what you learn, and I'll figure out how to reach through this screen and I will take your toes

BDSM: I'm torn between mini Nezu or mini Shota
BDSM: So I'm just gonna-

Therapist: I have no intentions of manipulating you through what I analyze
Therapist: It is simple curiosity 

(Y/N): Gotcha

BDSM has changed (Y/N)'s nickname to MiniAizu.

MiniAizu: Okay but why-

BDSM: You didn't have a nickname and you act like Nezu and Aizawa

MiniAizu: Ya know what?
MiniAizu: Fair, I like it

Loudblond: You LIKE being called a miniature Nezu and Sho?

MiniAizu: Uh yeah?
MiniAizu: They're both badass and they both drink one of my favorite drinks
MiniAizu: I put stuff in my coffee tho, I can drink it normal, but I like a lil extra flavor

Loudblond: That much caffeine is not good for you little listener
Loudblond: You won't be able to sleep with all that in your system

MiniAizu: Who said I sleep?
MiniAizu: Plus, I can drink both all day long and still be exhausted lmao

Loudblond: You terrify me


Hobo is online. 

Hobo: What kid?
Hobo: ...
Hobo: Child stop scaring people
Hobo: Also, do not leak our information

MiniAizu: Never, it's funny
MiniAizu: Also, Noted

Hobo: I tried

Hobo is offline.

BDSM: Did he..?


MiniAizu: What is the aneurism about?

Therapist: They are excited because he did not deny that you were his kid

MiniAizu: Oh, fun
MiniAizu: I'm gonna go spam your DM about the comfort characters while they... do that 

Therapist: I look forward to reading it

MiniAizu: Press X to doubt

UA Staff chat vs tired college studentWhere stories live. Discover now