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UA Staff& others:

Aizu: Im on my bullshit again

Vlampire: When are you not 

Aizu: Shut it blood bath mcgrath

Vlampire: don't insult me in
Vlampire: 'old movie' language

Aizu: says a lot that you even knew what
Aizu: I was talking about lol

Vlampire: I walked into that 

Aizu: Like a dumbass

BroccoliBrother: This is gonna be good

BIRBY: I love when birdy buddy is on their
BIRBY: shit again

GoodFood: Good lord

Aizu: If the lord was good
Aizu: my ass wouldn't be
Aizu: here saving lives n shit myself

GoodFood: Very good point

BroccoliBrother: mood


RatGod: How are you fairing on that front

Aizu: Lemme check
Aizu: ...
Aizu: Y'all still alive and in
Aizu: one piece?

UAQueen: Yes

Aizu: Then slay ig

BIRBY: Yassss

BroccoliBrother: Heave

BIRBY: stfu

RatGod: Good to know 

Aizu: Who is next,
Aizu: Im on a roll today

SharpShooter: I sacrifice the dumptruck

Aizu: He walks around in that helmet
Aizu: Like it's vogue, that says enough

BobTheBuilder: I sacrifice the lego

Aizu: broski has such a good quirk for
Aizu: construction yet plays in a sandbox
Aizu: for kids

BrickBoi: I sacrifice the pupper

Aizu: Broski is afraid of cat videos, enough said

Therapist: I counter with your father

Dadzawa: What.

Aizu: Fr?

Dadzawa: You don't have the nerve

Aizu: I have one, 
Aizu: my last one
Aizu: and it's on fire.
Aizu: So buckle up buttercup, I'm sendin
Aizu: your ass to therapy 

Therapist: I'll free up an extra long session

Aizu: So for me its the undealt with trauma
Aizu: Yet still allowed to teach impressionable kids

Dadzawa: Oh you're actually going
Dadzawa: to do this, okay, lets hear something
Dadzawa: better than that

Aizu: It's the chopping your leg off for me

Dadzawa: What- 

DadMic: Well shit-

MomNight: Oh that must happen
MomNight: in the other future

Aizu: it's the overworking yourself so you don't
Aizu: think about your problems for me

SharpShooter: goddamn

Aizu: It's the learning your dead friend
Aizu: is a nomu for me

Dadzawa: ...

DadMic: ...

MomNight: ...

Aizu: Yep buckle up bitches because 
Aizu: the next arc in this story is named
Aizu: Oboro 

Therapist: You went too far

Aizu: No the hell I didn't
Aizu: Y'all deserve a happy ending and
Aizu: that requires ripping off some
Aizu: band-aids and ripping open old wounds

Therapist: Carry on

Aizu: Oboro is alive but as a nomu
Aizu: Currently brainwashed and does 
Aizu: not have access to his memories
Aizu: of his time as a human

Dadzawa: How do we get him back

Aizu: You wont in the way you're wanting
Aizu: Digest that he has vastly changed and that
Aizu: It'll take a lot of work to get him cooperative 
Aizu: enough to work some magic on that brain of his

Dadzawa: Hound we're on our way

Therapist: Joint session it is, my door is open 

If anyone gets funny in my comments about how I did this then ima get hilarious bc that's just the mood im in. 

Love y'all <3

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