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U.A. Staff + others

Aizu: Lesbihonest

GoodFood: What-

DadMic: Let's be honest

GoodFood: Oh

SharpShooter: How did you know that?

DadMic: I'm gay and cultured 

MomNight: As you should

Aizu: As you should

BroccoliBrother: As you should

BIRBY: As you should

Vlampire: As you should not
Vlampire: The number of times I've walked past
Vlampire: Aizawa's classroom and heard
Vlampire: some questionable shit is unmentionable
Vlampire: and makes me want to pray more
Vlampire: than I already do

DadMic: Cope 

MomNight: Seethe 

BIRBY: Sounds like a personal problem

Aizu: Sounds like a skill issue

Vlampire: Well damn-

Aizu: Language 

Vlampire: ...
Vlampire: Hush

Dadzawa: What are you going to do?
Dadzawa: Pray the gay away

Aizu: Well shit
Aizu: Now you sound like my irl family

(Or someone in your life idk-)
(Pray the gay away just sticks in my head)
(So I wanted to use it)

DadMic: They're homophobic?

Aizu: :)

BobTheBuilder: Oh boy

Aizu: I will beat love and acceptance 
Aizu: Into their heads
Aizu: With a brick
Aizu: Gently

Dadzawa: ...
Dadzawa: Don't get caught child

Aizu: Of course

Vlampire: I'm not touching that

SharpShooter: Me either
SharpShooter: Terror, what were you going to say earlier?

Aizu: Oh yeah
Aizu: Lesbihonest here
Aizu: If anime worlds are actually real
Aizu: then the shitty people in my world
Aizu: are just the cranky throw away extras
Aizu: reborn and pissed they didn't get more
Aizu: screen time, so now they're just assholes

BroccoliBrother: Seriously?

Aizu: Are you going to look at me and tell me that I'm wrong?

BroccoliBrother: Nope

Aizu: Precisely 

RatGod: And how did you come across
RatGod: that conclusion, Mouse?

Aizu: I saw a Karen making a huge scene 
Aizu: and it seemed rude to demons to say
Aizu: that she crawled out of hell
Aizu: So, I came up with that next

RatGod: Understandable 

Therapist: What did I say about making correlations like that?

Aizu: Not to

Therapist: And what did you do?

Aizu: Did it anyways

Therapist: Are you trying to have another existential crisis?

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