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Private DM: Izuku and (Y/N)

BoneBreaker: How did you know about what kacchan told me in middle school?
Bonebreaker: No one but me and Kacchan know about that
BoneBreaker: What do you gain from this?
BoneBreaker: Are you trying to get Kacchan in trouble?
BoneBreaker: How do you know the pro hero's?
BoneBreaker: They've never mentioned you before
BoneBreaker: Why did Miss Midnight call me her godchild and say we're siblings now?
BoneBreaker: Why did they all introduce you like that?

MiniAizu: Are you done yet?

BoneBreaker: Ah I'm sorry for spamming you, I'm worried about Kacchan

MiniAizu: You have nothing to be sorry for, I know you ramble a lot and I don't see why it would be any different through texting, it doesn't bother me and I expected it
MiniAizu: I just wanted to know when you were done so I could start answering everything without making it confusing

BoneBreaker: ..That makes sense I guess

MiniAizu: So, are those the main questions you want to ask?

BoneBreaker: Yes

MiniAizu: Everything I tell you has to be kept a secret from everyone okay? Including Katsuki.
MiniAizu: The teachers in the group chat and I are the only ones that know

BoneBreaker: If it's such a big secret, then why are you telling me?

MiniAizu: Well for one, you have violent anxiety and refuse to get help for it
MiniAizu: So, if I left you with all your questions you would likely have an attack
MiniAizu: And I highly doubt you want me to tell Aizawa that

BoneBreaker: That's true..
BoneBreaker: I promise not to tell anyone

MiniAizu: That's good.
MiniAizu: Long story short: I'm in another dimension, I see your world through an anime that mainly follows your story of becoming a hero, beginning in your middle school

BoneBreaker: W h a t

MiniAizu: Before you shoot a million questions at me, neither I nor the heroes know how I ended up in that gc and it will not let me leave

BoneBreaker: Okay...

MiniAizu: Once Nezu gave the clear that I was safe to continue talking to, the whole: Mini Aizu, child, godchild, hellion thing just sort of happened along the way
MiniAizu: Midnight 'adopted' you because she decided she likes you, as the other godchild of hers she announced us siblings, idrk-
MiniAizu: What I gain from this is that I get to help

BoneBreaker: What  

MiniAizu: You're always rushing to meet expectations, train, or save someone. Yet you refuse to do the same for yourself.
MiniAizu: You're a great hero Izuku but if you keep going like this, your mental health problems will get much worse and I don't think anyone wants that for you
MiniAizu: And as someone who has literally watched you grow up; I certainly don't want that for you

BoneBreaker: ...
BoneBreaker: I-

MiniAizu: Yes, I know you want to be strong, but that strength isn't always purely muscle or control over a quirk
MiniAizu: You're a sweetheart to just about anyone who meets you and that's admirable considering what you've gone through
MiniAizu: But you can't change the fact that you have gone through horrible things, and they left mental scars
MiniAizu: Sometimes outside help is needed in order to get through your trauma or it could grow to be unbearable 
MiniAizu: Your mental health is very important, to any person and especially to a hero that wants to, and I quote "save people with a smile"

BoneBreaker: ...

MiniAizu: Just think over what I said, and don't worry about what will happen to Katsuki
MiniAizu: If you explain what you think about it and why he did it plus my own information I have on him, he won't be getting a suspension or an expulsion. I know how much you want to see him turn into his own kind of hero.
MiniAizu: Additionally, under no circumstance will I want or encourage the teachers to contact either of your parents. I know how worried your mother gets, and how ...questionable... Katsuki's home life is

BoneBreaker: ...
BoneBreaker: ..Thanks

MiniAizu: That's what god siblings are for ^.^
MiniAizu: Feel free to text me whenever you want, since, like-
MiniAizu: In the non-creepiest way possible
MiniAizu: I know about things you've gone through and your quirk 

BoneBreaker: I'll think about it

MiniAizu: Good, now I got a certain walking TNT stick to confuse and blackmail
MiniAizu: Feel free to watch and be amused, just don't talk bc I don't think my and Katsuki's anger issues should butt heads more than they will

BoneBreaker: I won't talk, I don't want him to yell anymore then he already does

MiniAizu: Great! TTYL, and don't forget to take care of yourself

BoneBreaker: I won't, TTYL

Private DM's: Nezu and (Y/N)

MiniAizu: Did you read mine and Izuku's convo?

RatGod: Of course. I'll plan accordingly

MiniAizu: And this is why I chose RatGod and not RatSatan
MiniAizu: You're awesome!

RatGod: Thank you, I believe Hound Dog is texting you

MiniAizu: Alrighty

Private DM's: Hound Dog and (Y/N)

Therapist: Midoriya came into my office crying while he was having his conversation with you, and he let me read it
Therapist: Good job on talking to him

MiniAizu: Thank you! Although Katsuki is going to be a bit more challenging since he actively ignores emotion and instead turns it into anger

Therapist: I have no doubts you can manage pup

MiniAizu: Thank you for the vote of confidence! But this is going to be v e r y different from Izuku's and more than likely done poorly because until Katsuki gets to a place he's willing to listen to people there's only two options for me

Therapist: Which is?

MiniAizu: Option one would be already having his respect as a strong individual of equal standing, of which I don't have

Therapist: And option two? 

MiniAizu: Beating it in his head via breaking every rebuttal he has until there's no other choice but to give in, which he absolutely hates doing. So basically, we're going to be going at each other with facts, anger issues, and potentially empty threats

Therapist: That... isn't healthy

MiniAizu: It absolutely is not, BUT, he's not going to listen to me any other way, even if he knows early on in the conversation that I'm right. His ego, inferiority complex, and superiority complex are all going to be gunning on him 'winning' in the conversation

Therapist: Noted. I don't like how this has to be done pup but by the looks of your conversation with Midoriya, Bakugo needs help as well and he's not going to do it himself

MiniAizu: I don't exactly like it either, and there are others in class 1-A that need help as well, but Izuku and Katsuki are the first one's I figured needed to be addressed. One of the student's I'll be needing Nezu's help on before I can even begin to think about him getting therapy

Therapist: Noted.

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