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U.A. Staff & others

BIRBY: Where's my other birdy buddy?

Dadzawa: Currently having a therapy session 

Vlampire: Of course you would know


DadMic: There's nothing wrong with therapy

BIRBY: Okay yes but no

BobTheBuilder: Of course the menace picked
BobTheBuilder: another mentally ill person just
BobTheBuilder: like them and Midoriya

BroccoliBrother: I'm in this picture and I don't like it

Dadzawa: Deal with it

MomNight: You're mentally ill too-

Dadzawa: Shut.

MomNight: I-

Dadzawa:  .

MomNight: ...
MomNight: I hope they make you go to therapy too
MomNight: Just for that

DadMic: Sho just activated his quirk
DadMic: towards his phone

AllMight: There is nothing wrong with
AllMight: going to therapy ErasureHead

Dadzawa: You have negative room to talk

AllMight: I am striving towards bettering myself

Vlampire: ....

SharpShooter: I'm not touching that

GoodFood: Leave it for (Y/n)

SharpShooter: Terrible idea
SharpShooter: But that's what I'll do


Therapist: I hope everyone is having a good day

DadMic: I take it the therapy session is over?

Therapist: Yes, it is

DadMic: How is my kiddo?

Dadzawa:  .

DadMic:  Our* kiddo
DadMic: They haven't said anything yet

Therapist: ...

Vlampire: See,
Vlampire: That makes me feel like
Vlampire: I need to pray again

BobTheBuilder: Oh no

Therapist: I'm going to pretend I didn't
Therapist: see that question

DadMic: Well now I'm worried

MomNight: ^^^

Therapist: Pup is certainly not happy

MomNight: Then we should do our best to
MomNight: cheer them up

Therapist: I doubt that is what will happen

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