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UA Staff & others

Aizu: Soooo, quick question

MomNight: Yes dear?

DadMic: What's up kiddo?

Aizu: How much do y'all know about
Aizu: Medical stuff?

Therapist: @UAQueen

Dadzawa: @UAQueen 

MomNight:  @UAQueen

DadMic: @UAQueen


Vlampire: @UAQueen

BobTheBuilder: @UAQueen

SharpShooter: @UAQueen

GoodFood: @UAQueen

UAQueen: I get it I get it
UAQueen: Is someone dying?

Aizu: All I asked was if anyone knew much
Aizu: about medical stuff-

Dadzawa: If you are injured then time is 
Dadzawa: of the essence

MomNight: ^ And we got worried

Vlampire: Yeah and if you're hurt we need
Vlampire: it fixed up asap or else Nezu and
Vlampire: Midoriya will find a way to go on a 
Vlampire: war path

UAQueen: I see, What's your question dear?

Aizu: So I got this burn on my wrist
Aizu: And it has swollen up double the size
Aizu: And it really really hurts
Aizu: What do I do?

UAQueen: The best option is to go to 
UAQueen: the doctor or a hospital

Aizu: In this economy?
Aizu: No can do 

UAQueen: If not taken care of then
UAQueen: then it could scar and take
UAQueen: longer to heal

Aizu: Scars are cool
Aizu: Nothing to be ashamed of
Aizu: That's okay, and mama ain't
Aizu: raise no bitch so I can tough out
Aizu: taking a longer time to heal

SharpShooter: Masochist 

Aizu: Stfu

UAQueen: You're just like your brother

Aizu: Thank you

UAQueen: That wasn't a compliment

SharpShooter: L

Aizu: Stfu off brand steampunk cowboy

SharpShooter: I-

BobTheBuilder: You did it, what did you expect
BobTheBuilder: the reaction to be?

Vlampire: You were the dumbass here

SharpShooter: Smh

UAQueen: Keep it clean
UAQueen: Put burn cream on it
UAQueen: Give it time to breathe when
UAQueen: you're resting, and take pain pills

Aizu: Thank ya kindly <3

UAQueen: Of course dearie

Therapist: Everyone can breathe now

GoodFood: Are we sure no one is going to die?

Aizu: Not me, unfortunately 

Dadzawa: No

MomNight: No

DadMic: No

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