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Aizu: The coffee did not make
Aizu: the sad bitch hours go away 

Therapist: how many times do I have to
Therapist: tell you, that is not how it works

Aizu: That should be how it works 

Dadzawa: I agree with the
Dadzawa: above statement 

BroccoliBrother: I do too 

BIRBY: The last time we gave you coffee
BIRBY: you sat there and vibrated in one
BIRBY: place rambling about a bunch of
BIRBY: random stuff

BroccoliBrother: I ascended to godhood

Aizu: It's the way that's bullshit

BroccoliBrother: It's the way you rely on
BroccoliBrother: coffee to be happy for me 

BIRBY: Aye watch the friendly fire

Dadzawa: I second this ^

Aizu: It's the way I'm messaging Mina
Aizu: that you wanna straighten your hair

BroccoliBrother: WAIT-
BroccoliBrother: NO-
BroccoliBrother: NOT THAT-

Aizu: :) 

GoodFood: You fucked around

SharpShooter: You found out

MomNight: Nothing like a sibling spat to 
MomNight: liven up the day

DadMic: It's always interesting

BobTheBuilder: You should have seen this coming 

BroccoliBrother: I don't see how you see
BroccoliBrother: anything in that helmet smh

Aizu: Lol I taught him that 

BobTheBuilder: WHY?

Aizu: You got on my nerves 

BobTheBuilder: What did I do?!

Aizu: Mei told me what you did 

SharpShooter: What did you do?

BobTheBuilder: ...
BobTheBuilder: I threw out the glitter 

MomNight: Oh he did not

DadMic: Oh yes he did-

BroccoliBrother: YOU WHAT?!
BroccoliBrother: YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT


Dadzawa: Fix your mistake 

BobTheBuilder: Aizawa not you too-

Dadzawa: It's a nice punishment for
Dadzawa: those who disrupt my class

BroccoliBrother: Mei made him a glitter gun! 

Aizu: Oh I remember talking about that

Vlampire: Aizawa are you
Vlampire: shooting at your students?

MomNight: Would you be surprised if he was?

Vlampire: ...
Vlampire: No-

Dadzawa: It is built like a nerf gun,
Dadzawa: the 'bullets' pop into
Dadzawa: glitter upon impact

SharpShooter: Dear god they got Aizawa

Aizu: Cause Dadzawa is the best!

Dadzawa: Thank you child 
Dadzawa: You're not so bad yourself

Aizu: hagbjfk

MomNight: Awwww 
MomNight: Parent and child moment

BroccoliBrother: ...
BroccoliBrother: Well while Y/N reboots,
BroccoliBrother: DadMic has one too 

DadMic: I do!

Vlampire: DadMic huh? 

BIRBY: He knows where you sleep

Vlampire: ...
Vlampire: Nevermind-

BroccoliBrother: :)
BroccoliBrother: You will never know when
BroccoliBrother: I am closing in on your location

Vlampire: ...
Vlampire: I'm lining my windows and
Vlampire: doors with salt

SharpShooter: What? 

Vlampire: To stop that demon 
Vlampire: from entering my house

BIRBY: I wheezed-

Aizu: This made the sad sack
Aizu: hours go away, thanks!

Dadzawa: We are always here for you, child

Therapist: I'm a text away, pup

BIRBY: Of course I'm here for you
BIRBY: Birdy buddy!

BroccoliBrother: Can't live without my 
BroccoliBrother: god sibling

DadMic: We love ya kiddo!

MomNight: Always care for my god-child!

Vlampire: The hellion doesn't need to be sad

SharpShooter: Yeah, who would be our terror?

Aizu: Thank you guys

AllMight: For what it is worth, 
AllMight: I believe you are hero material
AllMight: young Y/N as you even saved me
AllMight: from becoming a worse person 
AllMight: and correcting me from my 
AllMight: previously harmful ways.
Allmight:... even if it is taking a while

Aizu: ..........
Aizu: Thank you-

As always: Join the discord, interact with the chapter (I love the notifs), and let me know what you thought! 

Does All Might get his redemption arc?

Or does he remain the punching bag?

Well, y'all will find out later! 

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