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I just wanted to let everyone know that this next chapter is going to take a while to get out. As those who read the authors notes may know, I am a DID system, and as such I have been healing in order to interact with my system more and more. 

What does this mean for y'all?


* We have started a book for anyone who wants to see what sometimes goes on in a system, and y'all are free to ask specific alters questions. 

* This could mean longer wait times as I may not be the one fronting for periods at a time.

NOTE: For those that want to interact with my alters and ask questions, please remember to be kind. Also, please no attacking us for things we cannot control :')

Quick synopsis of D.I.D. :

DID stands for dissociative identity disorder.
DID generally begins to form in childhood and is a disorder that is meant to hide, which means people could have DID but not know it or not find out until a later date. 

 In simple terms DID is when a person undergoes trauma that the brain cannot handle or needs help handling and so the person sorta 'shatters' and those other pieces are alters.
 Alters are different people. Do not expect an alter to be just like the 'original' person because they all have their own personality, likes, dislikes, and maybe even lives. 

Alters also fall under different categories, some can be OC's, some can be based off of movie/TV show/anime/book character, some can be just a random person that popped up, even animals.

If I think of anything else to add then I'll come back and edit this chapter.

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