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In this scenario, everyone understands that Aizu = Author and so the chat names will flip between the two.

Aizu: Did I ever tell y'all I know a 'mafia leader'?

SharpShooter: What.

Dadzawa: What.

Vlampire: What.

DadMic: What.

UAQueen: What.

MomNight: What.

BobTheBuilder: What.

GoodFood: What.

RatGod: I knew this

Therapist: Heavy sigh

BIRBY: Did you have to type that out?
BIRBY: What.

BroccoliBrother: On brand tbh

Author: It all started bc of rude or
Author:braindead comments and pineapples

DadMic: That clears exactly nothing up.

Aizu: Does too-

SharpShooter: It really doesn't

Author: Some of my fans/kids defend me violently
Author: in the comment section of my book.
Author: One of my friends loves pineapples, thus,
Author: a mafia was made.

BroccoliBrother: Makes sense

BobTheBuilder: I fail to see the connection

Aizu: My friend likes pineapples and made a joke
Aizu: so I made a return joke, which gave birth to the
Aizu: "Pineapple Mafia". Of course, it was all a joke at first
Aizu: but then we decided to recruit a few of the angry kids
Aizu: that defend me in the comment section and thus a more
Aizu: true mafia was born with my friend at the helm.

Vlampire: See now that makes more sense

Author: You're just slow

Vlampire: You made me this way

Aizu: Touche
Aizu: But can you ever be sure?

Vlampire: ...you give me a headache

Author: I do my best

BroccoliBrother: How often does the mafia mobilize?

Aizu: Not too terribly often, once a few people
Aizu: were on the receiving end, the occurrence
Aizu: of those comments drastically fell

MomNight: ...
MomNight: How volatile is this mafia that they have all
MomNight: but stopped comments on something on the internet

Author: :)

BIRBY: See, now would be a time for those candles

Vlampire: Bold of you to assume they aren't
Vlampire: already lit every time I come on this chat

Aizu: Lmao what-

RatGod: He burns them so often that I've had to
RatGod: disable the fire alarms in his classroom

Dadzawa: The entire damn hallway smells like bath and body works

BobTheBuilder: How do you know what that smells like

DadMic: You think my hair stays this good
DadMic: with some off brand 3-in-one?

BobTheBuilder: Fair enough

MomNight: We shop together a lot of the time!

GoodFood: I assume that means Aizawa uses the same products

DadMic: Of course! His hair needs proper care

Vlampire: What about the smell when he goes on patrol?

MomNight: Scent killing spray

RatGod: I had to commission scientists from
RatGod: I-Island to complete that formula

Author: All I'm getting from this is that Dadzawa uses
Author: bath and body works and honestly I'm living for it

BroccoliBrother: You act like you didn't know this already

Aizu: Who knows? :)

BIRBY: And the headache begins-


I realized I had this in my docs so I figured I would publish it! 
Let me know what you think!

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