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UA Staff chat 2 a quiet week later

BDSM: It's official, I am worried

GoodFood: Why are you worried?

BDSM: My godchild has been offline for a WEEK

Vlampire: Your godchild?
Vlampire: Do you mean the person in the other staff chat?

BDSM: Yes, that is my honorary godchild and I love them

GoodFood: You barely know them? 

BDSM: Hound Dog does, and he greatly approves of my honorary adoption

Therapist: Correct. Albeit I already informed you they would be busy this week

BDSM: I know but I can't help but worry, Shota's been cranky lately too

Hobo: Denied.

BDSM: You didn't deny that they were your kid tho~

Hobo: ...

Vlampire: Wait a minute. Hound Dog why do you approve of Nemuri 'adopting' an ADULT from another dimension?

Therapist: They require a support network

BDSM: That's therapist talk for
BDSM: "The kid is fucked up somehow and needs help, but I can't say that"

Therapist: ... Yes, you could put it like that

RatGod: How is my 'mini me' fairing from your opinion?



Therapist: I would like to uphold patient confidentiality 

RatGod: Ah, so you have yet to determine the extent of whatever damage there may be

Therapist: Correct

GoodFood: That's .... concerning.

Vlampire: Hound you can usually figure out what's wrong with someone based off a five-minute conversation, what's so different with them?

RatGod: There's plenty different! 

Therapist: Nezu is correct. They are from another dimension that does not have quirks, pup's experiences and how they handle those experiences is very different. 

Vlampire: So, everyone there is quirkless?

BDSM: PUP????????

Therapist: That is correct Vlad, and yes Nemuri, I gave pup a nickname.
Therapist: They seemed to like it

Loudblond is online.

Loudblond: Why is Sho stressed while staring at his phone?

Hobo: I am not.

GoodFood: Back read

Loudblond: ... Yeah that'll do it

BDSM: Shota being worried for his new kid is everything I ever needed

Hobo: I am not worried

Loudblond: Sure

GoodFood: Sure

BDSM: Sure

RatGod: Sure

Therapist: I assure you that the pup is not in immediate danger at home or at school, nor are they a threat to themselves

Hobo: 'Immediate' danger?

Therapist: While talking about UA's dorms, pup mentioned that their dorm and campus are safe, but they made the comment of "-right now the college is pretty safe-" implying that the campus has either not been safe before or has the possibility of becoming unsafe in the future.

Hobo: Goddammit

GoodFood: Should you be talking about this? What about the confidentiality?

Therapist: I won't go into their specific issues that I've uncovered unless they give me permission and it is necessary, but they did give me permission to talk about general areas under one condition

Vlampire: What is the condition?

Therapist: That no one uses pup's issues to try and manipulate them, if someone does try to manipulate them using their issues, they asked me to 'politely take their kneecaps'.

Hobo: I agree 

BDSM: I have a bat under my desk if someone needs their kneecaps taken

Loudblond: Sounds like little lister has been manipulated before

RatGod: While bodily harm as a punishment for manipulation is tempting, I'm sure I could find something much more fitting for anyone who tries to manipulate (Y/N). Although I am concerned about their learning environment. 

Therapist: If Aizawa asks, they'll most likely answer

Hobo: Why me? 

Loudblond: They're your kid


Hobo: Shut it 

Therapist: In our conversations about comfort characters, they spoke about you fondly. 90% of the time pup referred to you as "Dadzawa".

Hobo: ...

BDSM: I just walked by the staff room and Shota looks like he's buffering 

Loudblond: Give him a minute to compute that

GoodFood: While you guys have been talking the kid came online, and you might want to look at the other chat

Vlampire: I have no doubts that kid is Aizawa's. You could tell me they were biologically related, and I'd believe it 

Loudblond: W h a t ???

BDSM: This I got to see

UA Staff chat vs tired college studentWhere stories live. Discover now