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U.A. Staff + others chat

RatGod: I believe (Y/N's) knowledge would be 
RatGod: beneficial to looking for Chisaki

Dadzawa: I agree, the child would know a lot more 
Dadzawa: than we do at this point in time

AllMight: Young (Y/N) has our worlds knowledge
AllMight: at their fingertips, they would be our
AllMight: best source of information

Vlampire: Oh god-
Vlampire: You're not wrong
Vlampire: But the Hellion?

BIRBY: Birdy buddy is extremely smart!

MomNight: You know big words?

BIRBY: Rude-

SharpShooter: Summoning the Terror 
SharpShooter: Is like summoning a demon

Aizu: One demon at your disposal!

SharpShooter: What the f u c k-

MomNight: I just watched Snipe choke on his coffee
MomNight: Top tier entrance my lovely god-child

Aizu: :)

BobTheBuilder: This is why you don't fuck with
BobTheBuilder: the supernatural, freaky shit happens

Aizu: ..Did you just imply that
Aizu: I am actually a demon-

BobTheBuilder: Yes.

Aizu: Thank you!

GoodFood: That wasn't a compliment

BIRBY: Yes it was

BroccoliBrother: Yes it was

Aizu: :) Yes it was

BobTheBuilder: Yes it was

GoodFood: I-

RatGod: Little Mouse we would like your 
RatGod: assistance on Chisaki

Aizu: ...
Aizu: Me?

RatGod: Yes, is there a problem?

Vlampire: Why is the Hellion confused?-

SharpShooter: I don't like when the all-knowing
SharpShooter: Terror is confused

Aizu: Well-
Aizu: Nezu has access to my worlds internet
Aizu: through my phone, he was sending me
Aizu: funny videos like an hour ago-

RatGod: While I do have access to the information
RatGod: I would rather hear it from you, Little Mouse
RatGod: This entire rescue would not be happening
RatGod: so soon if it were not for your want to help

Aizu: I-
Aizu: sjngkjn
Aizu: I'm ready to help in any way possible!

MomNight: AWWWW

DadMic: That was adorable

BIRBY: This ^

Vlampire: ...That was terrifying

BIRBY: But also this ^

Dadzawa: Back off my kid.

RatGod: :)

SharpShooter: Now that is terrifying.

BobTheBuilder: If those two go toe to toe over the kid
BobTheBuilder: then I'm resigning and moving out of the country

BIRBY: Or just off the planet-

Aizu: ...haha no-
Aizu: No world ending fights today

UA Staff chat vs tired college studentWhere stories live. Discover now