Chapter 2

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A week after the incident with Chris I walked into his house to find him sitting on his couch watching TV in sweatpants and a t-shirt and I groaned.

"Get up." I said and he looked at me shocked.

"Why? I'm allowed to watch tv in my own house." Chris said and I sighed.

"Your family had those family pictures scheduled today. Chris come on your mom wants these photos, now they are waiting on you." I said walking to his room and pulling out the outfit he needed to wear and laying it on his bed.

"You know for someone who told me to grow up a week ago and they wouldn't take care of me anymore, you surely aren't listening to yourself." Chris said following me to his room.

"Chris, your mom called me and asked me to come get you. You weren't answering her phone calls." I said and he sighed.

"Yeah I wanted to be left alone." Chris said.

"Why are you pouting?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I'm not pouting." Chris said.

"Bullshit, why are you pouting?" I asked and he shrugged and walked into his room and grabbed the clothes.

"No, no, no don't ignore this situation." I said taking the clothes out of his hands.

"It's because of you Ari!" Chris yelled and I looked at him oddly.

"Me?" I asked confused.

"You wont even talk to me. I have been texting you and trying to get together and hang out and you are busy or tell me you cant. We are friends and you don't even want to hang out." Chris said and I groaned.

"Chris, I haven't been ignoring you or anything. It's been a busy week." I said and he sighed.

"Oh yeah with what?" Chris asked and I groaned.

"Chris just trust that you will be happy when you find out...." I said and sighed.

"Ari, I just want my friend back." Chris said and I smiled placing my hand on his cheek

"I'm here now aren't I?" I asked he sighed.

"Yeah to get me ready for family photos." Chris said and I groaned.

"Right! But I'm still here." I said and he chuckled, took his clothes back from me and went in his bathroom to get ready as I grabbed Dodger's brush and brushed him out since he was wanted too. I was waiting by the door with Dodger on his leash as Chris came walking up and I smiled.

"Perfect." I said.

"Let me drive you." I said as we went and got in my car.

"Does my mom really think if you don't take me, I wont show up?" Chris asked and I laughed.

"Probably." I said and he laughed. I drove Chris to his moms house where pictures were being taken, we got out of the car and walked inside.

"There he is!" Scott announced and I smiled.

"Told him I would get him here. You owe me $50." I said and Scott groaned.

"Wait, you bet on getting me here?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Your brother didn't think I could." I said and Chris groaned with a laugh.

"Now go take photos with your family." I said and Chris smiled. I went to leave.

"Ari, please stay. After the pictures we are doing a family lunch. You are welcome to join." Lisa said and I shook my head.

"I'm not family." I said and they all groaned.

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