Chapter 19

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I sat on a chair outside in shock at what I was just told on the phone as Chris paced.

"There has to be a mistake." Chris said and I just looked at my hands in my lap.

"Chris, you heard her say what I heard. We knew there was a chance of this happening." I said and groaned. Dodger laid at my feet and wouldn't move sensing the tension. Chris just groaned and kept pacing. He then headed into the house and I followed him.

"Where are you going?" I asked him as he grabbed his keys and headed to the front door and grabbed Dodger's leash.

"I need to...just I don't know...I'll be back." Chris said and left the house once he got Dodger on his leash. I went in and sat on the couch crying. This couldn't be happening, I was pinning everything on this baby being Chris's, I needed it to be Chris's I couldn't lose him. I went into the bedroom and laid on the bed and just cried while clutching my stomach. I wasn't sure how long I had been laying there when I woke up by someone kissing me gently on my lips. I opened my eyes and saw Chris lying beside me on the bed. He wiped my dried tears away and I just looked at him.

"I'm sorry I left you, I shouldn't have left. I was a jackass. I didn't know how to process this. I know we knew it was a possibility but I was praying it was mine." Chris said and I nodded in agreement.

"I was hoping so too Chris, I really was but no matter what this baby is ours and only ours." I said and Chris nodded and pulled me into his embrace.

"I love you so much." Chris said.

"I love you too." I said as he held me and I cried some more.


Chris and I sat in our lawyers office across the table from Justin and we just glared at Chris holding my hand that was resting on the table.

"So Justin, you agree to give up everything. All rights to the child and to also stop talking about it." Our lawyer Nick said and Justin nodded after looking at his lawyer.

"Once you sign these contracts we need you to understand Justin that you speak on anything regarding this pregnancy, the child, Ariana or Chris we will come after you with legal action." Nick said and Justin looked at his lawyer who nodded again. Justin grabbed a pen and signed the contracts and the NDA's he was handed. Once they were signed a secretary made copies and gave everyone their own copies. Chris and I stood up as did Justin. We went to walk out.

"I just want you to know....." Just started to say and I stopped to turn around.

"Justin..." His lawyer said and he ignored him.

"You two....this....I always knew it would happen. There was no denying the two of you together. Shitty it had to happen at my expense though." Justin said.

"Sorry it had to go this was Justin." I said and he shook his head and walked out of the office. Chris and I made it out to our car and I smiled and sighed.

"You okay?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Very. Everything is finally going to calm down. We can announce the pregnancy on our terms soon. I mean we know it's out there but I want to do what we planned." I said and Chris smiled.

"With Dodger?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"With Dodger. He is going to be a big brother after all." I said and Chris smiled and kissed my cheek.

"What do you say we go get the big guy and take him on a hike? As long as you feel up to it." Chris said and I nodded.

"I feel amazing today. Baby is feeling great, everything is going amazing." I said and Chris smiled and huffed a laugh as we drove home. I went and changed into a pair of legging and a tank top. Chris came walking in from the bathroom and smiled at me putting my hair up in a ponytail.

"What?" I questioned looking at him as he smiled at me.

"You just look beautiful." Chris said and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh please I am in leggings and an old tank top that should have been thrown out years ago." I said and Chris laughed.

"Don't you dare, I love that tank top. That was from the 2018 Superbowl you actually go to go with me to." Chris said and I smiled and shook my head.

"Right, the one and only when the patriots lost so it was the last one I went to." I said and Chris laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I never blamed you." Chris said and I laughed.

"No but your brother did." Chris said and we laughed.

"You still feel good enough to go hiking?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Yes, I want to get out of this house. I loved being on lockdown with you, especially all of our activities...but I need out of the house more." I said and Chris laughed as he gave me a small kiss and we left the bedroom. We got Dodger ready and we heading to the park.


A couple days later Chris and I were hanging out at home planning out the nursery. We knew it was soon but Chris wanted to get it painted while I was still early in my pregnancy.

"So are we going to with the pale yellow or mint green?" Chris asked and I groaned as he showed me the paint swatches.

"I don't know, I like both colors. What if we did like the mint green and then made some kind of design in the yellow. Like if it's a girl we can do flowers and if it's a boy we do dinosaurs or cars or something." I said and Chris smiled. He looked at me as saw me drawing.

"What are you working on?" Chris asked and I covered it up.

"Something for the nursery but I want to surprise you with it." I said and Chris smiled and kissed me.

"You are amazing." Chris said and I smiled. I then stopped what I was doing and ran to the bathroom. Chris followed knowing this was a common occurrence. He knelt beside me as I threw up and held my hair. Once I was done I flushed the toilet and just sat on the floor.

"Why is it called morning sickness if it happens in the middle of the damn day." I said and Chris smiled and handed me a washcloth.

"Thank you." I said and he kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry baby." Chris said and I smiled as he helped me up. I rinsed out my mouth and we went back to sitting down. Chris then got up back up with the paint swatches.

"Are you leaving now?" I asked and Chris nodded.

"Yeah I was going to go." Chris said and I nodded.

"Okay I would say just get the green, don't worry about the yellow." I said and he nodded.

"I like the yellow." Chris said and I shook my head with a smile.

"Okay yellow it is." I said and he smiled, kissed me and then left. I went back to my drawing and just watching a movie on tv. About an hour later Chris wasn't back yet when I started to cramp and it was radiating to my back. I got up from the couch and headed to the bathroom unsure of what was happening. Once I reached the bathroom I collapsed on the bathroom floor from the pain and cramping. I tried calling Chris a few times and I got his voicemail. I instantly felt a gush of something between my legs and I got on the toilet to noticed I was bleeding. I called another number.

"Hey sis." Scott said.

"Scott, I cant get a hold of Chris and I need you to come take me to the hospital. Something is wrong with the baby." I said crying. 

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