Chapter 4

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It was Chris's birthday weekend and I had been working up to this with him since Scott and I were throwing him a surprise party at his favorite local bar.

"So no one wanted to come out with us?" Chris asked as we arrived at the bar.

"Chris this is just my gift for you. Everyone is going to be getting together with you this upcoming week. Time got away from everyone. What am I not good enough to be out with?" I asked and Chris laughed as I linked his arm as we walked in the bar.

"You are the best." Chris said. We walked near the back of the bar.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled catching Chris off guard and I smiled at him.

"Surprise!" I said and he hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Did you plan all of this?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Remember when I wasn't talking to you and you were all pouty?" I asked and Chris smiled and I motioned to the party. He hugged me again and then walked away and started to mingle. I walked over and hugged Scott, Carly and Shanna.

"You pulled it off." Carly, Chris's sister said and I smiled.

"Was there ever a doubt?" I asked and we all laughed. I saw Chris hanging out with the same guys who I found at the house that night and I groaned.

"Scott, I told you not to invite them." I said and Scott sighed.

"They are his friends." Scott said.

"No they use him!" I said annoyed. I went to storm over to stop it until someone grabbed my arm pulling me to them. I was about to fight it off until I saw my boyfriend Justin and I smiled at him.

"You came!" I said and threw my arms around his neck and he kissed me.

"Of course I did, you invited me and I have barely seen you." Justin said.

"I know Chris's schedule has been insane and it's not going to get much better." I said and Justin sighed as he held his arms wrapped around my waist.

"I want to introduce you to some people." I said and Justin smiled releasing me and then grabbed my hand and I walked back over to Chris's siblings.

"Scott, Carly, Shanna, this is my boyfriend Justin. Justin these are Chris's siblings." I said and they shook his hand.

"Since when do you have a boyfriend?" Scott asked and Carly elbowed him in the ribs.

"A couple months now." I said and Scott sighed.

"Does Chris know?" Shanna asked and I shook my head.

"No, they are going to be introduced tonight if I can get him while he is sober." I said and Scott sighed.
"Why do you do that?" Scott asked.

"Do what?!" I asked.

"Making snide comments about Chris." Scott said and even his sisters looked at him like he was crazy.

"They aren't snide if they are true Scott! I will be the one to take him home drunk and have to stay because he will be too hungover to function tomorrow." I said.

"I thought you were staying with me tonight?" Justin said and I groaned.

"I have to see how Chris is when we leave." I said and Justin sighed but didn't say anything. I saw a couple other people I wanted to introduce Justin to. I excused us from Chris's siblings and walked away.


A couple hours later I wasn't able to get Chris's attention long enough to introduce him to Justin. He did seem somewhat sober whenever I did see him so I was grateful for that. I was sitting on a barstool and Justin was standing between my legs and I had my hands resting on his hips.

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