Chapter 22

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A few mornings later I woke up and Chris was already gone I had a coffee sitting on my nightstand with a little note and a single rose in a bud vase.

-I know you had a bad night sweetie, come out whenever you are ready. I love you so much.-

The note brought tears to my eyes. I had a bad night of dreams about the baby and the miscarriage and Chris was there for all of it. It wasn't the first time I had the dreams but I had just gotten no sleep. I got out of bed and I saw Dodger on the floor by the bed.

"Hey buddy, where's dad?" I asked and Dodger walked out to the sitting room and I saw Chris sitting talking on the phone.

"Thank you." Chris said and hung up and I smiled as I sat next to him and he leaned over and kissed me.

"Hey, I just ordered lunch." Chris said and I smiled.

"Thank you." I said and looked at the coffee table and saw my sketch pad and pencils.

"You haven't drawn since that day. You know what the therapist said yesterday. You cant give up things you love." Chris said mentioned our most recent appointment and I sighed.

"Chris the first picture in there I was doing for the nursery, I can't look at it." I said and Chris sighed and grabbed the pad.

"May I?" Chris asked motioning to open the pad and I nodded. He opened it and saw a sketch of him and I holding a baby. You couldn't see the baby it was wrapped in a blanket in my arms and Chris had his arms around both of us. Chris sighed and closed the pad.

"Oh was beautiful." Chris said and I nodded as I felt tears coming.

"I don't want to give up drawing I just don't know what to draw." I said and Chris smiled.

"What about your favorite thing....?" Chris asked and I looked at him and he pointed at Dodger and I laughed.

"You want to be a model bubba?" I asked as he walked over to me and sat in front of me.

"I think I have some ideas. Maybe after lunch." I said and Chris smiled.

"Can we do something we haven't done for a while?" I asked and Chris looked at me oddly.

"Cuddle and watch a Disney movie?" I asked.

"Of course we can." Chris said as he turned on the tv and I laid a pillow on his lap and laid down.


 Later that day Chris was sitting at the piano just aimlessly playing and smiled when he saw me start to sketch. He smiled as I went past the first page and started sketching on the second page. He couldn't tell at first what it was and that was fine with him, he loved being surprised. After about a half an hour Chris called my name pulling me from my sketching trance.

"Hey Ari..." Chris said and I looked at him from the couch.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I want to play something for you and sing it for you. You okay with that?" Chris asked and I giggled.

"Obviously." I said and I turned all my attention to Chris as he took a deep breath.

🎵You sit in the bathroom and you paint your toes
I sit on the bed right now and I sing you a song
It's not always easy, but somehow our love stays strong
If I can make you happy, then this is where I belong

And I'd just like to say
I thank God that you're here with me
And I know you too well to say that you're perfect
But you'll see, oh my sweet love, you're perfect for me

I know all you're secrets, and you know all of mine
You're always here to hold me up when I'm losing my mind
I wish that I was stronger so that I had more to give
But I'll share everything I have we'll find a way to live

And I'd just like to say

I thank God that you're here with me
And I know you too well to say that you're perfect
But you'll see, oh my sweet love, you're perfect for me

Even after all this time, nothing else I ever find
In this whole wide world can shake me like you do
It's true that something so sublime that there aren't words yet to describe
The beauty of this life I've made with you
And I'd just like to say
I thank God that you're here with me
And I know you too well to say you're perfect
But you'll see, oh my sweet love you're perfect for me
And I know you too well to say you're perfect
But you'll see oh my sweet love you're perfect
Oh my love I swear you're perfect
Yes I promise, you're perfect for me🎵

Once he was done playing I walked over to him at the piano and he turned around on the bench to face me.

"I love you and you are perfect to me. No matter what we have been through, you have always been there for me and I cant imagine my life with you in it." Chris said standing up and I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed my hand on the nape of his neck. I pulled him down to kiss me.

"Chris, you are one amazing man. Thank you for the song." I said and he smiled. He wrapped his arms around my waist and started swaying with me even though there was no music.

"What are we dancing to?" I asked and Chris smiled.

"Our song, the song I just sang for you." Chris said and I smiled.

"I never got a first dance with my wife when we got married." Chris said and I sighed.

"We never got a lot of things when we got married. No honeymoon, no big wedding, no reception...we really did screw ourselves getting married in Vegas." I said and Chris laughed.

"Why don't we do it now?" Chris asked I stopped swaying and looked at Chris.

"What?" I asked.

"Let's do it. Let's have the wedding with the family and friends, the reception and then the honeymoon, wherever you want to go." Chris said and I laughed and I nodded.

"Chris, I love you and you know I do and you love me but we have somethings to consider before we plan a wedding." I said and he looked at me oddly as we released from our hold and went and sat down on the couch.

"What do we have to consider?" Chris asked.

"Chris, you have to admit how fast we have moved and I need you to understand that I do love you and I want to be with you but our 6-month mark will be in January and things can happen from now until then. What if you decide this doesn't work anymore, what if we hit a snag? I think we just wait to plan a wedding until we really know by 6 months." I said and Chris sighed.

"Why do you always have to be logical and right?" Chris asked and I laughed.

"Chris we love each other and that's been proven numerous times but I just think we wait to make it fully official when we get past 6 months. We can plan then." I said and Chris nodded.

"Okay, so as of right now we are thinking a wedding of July of next year. Let's just get through everything else." Chris said and I nodded.

"Exactly." I said and Chris smiled. I was married to Chris and I wanted to be married to Chris but I would be lying if I said I wasn't slightly worried there could be a moment in time Chris messed up back to his old ways. I didn't want old Chris back but I knew it could happen.

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