Chapter 24

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I woke up the next morning and it took me a minute to remember I was at Shanna's house. I groaned remembering the night before and why I was at Shanna's. Dodger was on the bed with me and I smiled as I rubbed his head and he stretched. He then sat up looking for Chris.

"He isn't here bubba, dad was an asshole." I said and Dodger huffed.

"Don't judge me." I said. I heard my cellphone ding on the nightstand and I rolled over and grabbed my phone. I saw a text from Chris.

>Ari, please call me. We need to talk about this.< Chris said and I groaned.

>Please just don't. Not today.< I sent back.

>Ariana, we need to talk.< Chris said and I ignored it and got out of bed.

"Let's go get you some food bubba. I hope Shanna has some." I said and we got out of bed and headed downstairs and I saw Lisa, Scott, Shanna and Carly sitting around the living.

"If this is an intervention I'm not the one who needs it." I said and they all gave a small laugh.

"Not an intervention. We are making sure you are okay." Scott said getting up to hug me and I smiled.

"Also to bring Dodger some food." Lisa said and I smiled down at him. I walked into the kitchen and fed Dodger and walked back out to the living room.

"Have you heard from him?" Lisa asked and I nodded.

"He text me this morning. He wants to talk." I said and sighed.

"I mean...did I maybe jump to conclusions? Should I hear him out?" I asked and everyone just sighed and shrugged.

"Only you know what you want to do Ari." Lisa said and I groaned putting my head in my hands.

"I mean he knows I am here and instead of making the grand gesture to come here and fight for me he just text me." I said annoyed.

"Do you want the grand gesture though? I mean...really?" Scott asked and I sighed.

"I don't know. I mean a want an effort from him." I said and everyone just look at each other.

"Maybe a few days apart is what we need. We really need to reevaluate this relationship and marriage. I mean I thought it would work but then losing the baby and now's a lot. I mean he could have dumped the frat bros a long time ago but because no one ever made him they will never leave." I said and everyone looked at me annoyed.

"Are you blaming us?" Shanna asked and I shook my head.

"I don't know who I am blaming. I mean I should have tried when I became his assistant, Megan should have tried, everyone should have tried but Chris for some reason loves them." I said.

"He loves you more." Lisa said.

"Does he though?" I asked and Lisa smacked my arm.

"Ow..." I said and she just looked at me.

"You are one of my kids now, I can hit you." Lisa said and I smiled.

"Ari, Chris loves you more than anything he is just a jackass sometimes." Lisa said and I nodded.

"I just wish I knew what to do. I love Chris, I do, but I can't stay if he is going to stay doing stupid things like this. I mean he wants to have a family and make this work but I can't do that if he is going to continue to want to party like a 20-year-old and be dumb." I said and everyone nodded.

"You just need to talk to him Ari. Running isn't solving anything." Shanna said and I groaned and stood up.

"I just think I am going to take Dodger for a walk." I said wanting out of the conversation.

"Maybe text Chris while you are walking him." Lisa said and I rolled my eyes. I didn't answer them and just went upstairs and got dressed.


Later that day I was sitting in the bedroom at Shanna's holding my phone with my text thread to Chris open thinking about texting him when a video came though and I was confused by just looking at the screen picture of him holding his guitar. I opened it up full screen and hit play.

"Hey so yeah I have my guitar out. I haven't played it in forever but what I am about to perform for you requires it. Ari, I am so sorry, you will never know how sorry I am. I know I fucked up when I invited them, it never should have happened. I want you in my life and not them. You are my everything. I love you. Also, don't judge me, I haven't play this guitar in forever." Chris took a deep breath and started playing.

🎵Oh I'm a mess right now
Inside out
Searching for a sweet surrender
But this is not the end
I can't work it out
How going through the motions
Going through us
And oh I've known it for the longest time
And all of my hopes
All of my own words
Are all over written on the signs
But you're on my road
Walking me home
See the flames inside my eyes
It burns so bright I wanna feel your love
Easy baby maybe I'm a liar
But for tonight I wanna fall in love
Put your faith in my stomach
I messed up this time
Late last night
Drinking to suppress devotion
With fingers intertwined
I can't shake this feeling now
We're going through the motions
Hoping you'd stop
And I've only caused you pain
I know but all of my words will always below
Of all the love you spoke
When you're on my road
Walking me home
See the flames inside my eyes
It burns so bright I wanna feel your love
Easy baby maybe I'm a liar
But for tonight I wanna fall in love
Put your faith in my stomach
And for how long, I love, my lover
For how long I love my lover
And now, now, for how long, long I love my lover
Now, now, for how long, long I love my lover🎵

Once he was done playing he set the guitar off to the side.

"Ariana Evans....I love you and you are all I need in my life. You and Dodger are my world and my family. I need you to survive and breath. What do you say? Can you forgive me and come back home to me? I promise I am changed and there will be no more frat bros hanging out. They aren't my life anymore, I want to be an amazing husband with an incredibly amazing wife. Please come home and talk to me. I want to work this out, I don't want us to be over." Chris said and the video ended.

I just sighed and put my head in my hands and just started thinking about what to do. I wanted to believe Chris and go home but I wasn't sure if I could trust me. He had been telling me he was going to change over and over again. I couldn't keep putting myself through this. I needed to decide if Chris was what I wanted once and for all. I looked at my cellphone and I text Chris.

>If I come to the house to talk, am I going to walk into a disaster?< I asked.

>Everything is fine Ari, please just come home.< Chris said and I sighed.

>On my way.< I said.

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