Chapter 3

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It was Monday and Megan was coming to Chris's house to get me the schedule of his and to go over other things. I was sitting at his kitchen table with my laptop when Megan came walking in and I smiled.

"Hey." I said with a smile and she smile coming over to hug me.

"I was wondering when you would take this job." Megan said and I sighed.
"Yeah so was everyone else." I said and Megan smiled. She then sat down and handed me a folder from her bag,

"This is Chris's schedule for the next month, his interviews, questions they are going to ask him so he is prepared and when all of his downtime is." Megan said and I looked through everything.
"So basically I just make sure he is where he is meant to be when he is meant to be there." I said and Megan nodded.

"And get him dressed appropriately." Megan said and I groaned.

"Megan he is a grown ass man and can dress himself." I said as Chris came walking in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

"See he dressed himself this morning." I said and Megan laughed. Chris seemed highly confused.

"Just make sure he has the clothes he is supposed to wear. Listen it's simple and easy as long as Chris behaves." Megan said and shot Chris a look.

"What?!" Chris asked.

"Will you behave now that you got what you want?" Megan asked and I looked at Chris.

"Yes and no." Chris said.

"Excuse me?" Megan asked.

"Well I haven't gotten everything I want yet." Chris said and I groaned.

"Chris no!" I said annoyed.

"What?" Megan asked.

"Chris wants me to move in so I can hold him accountable but he is forgetting one thing." I said and Megan looked at me.

"What?" Megan asked.

"I want my own life and I can't have that if I have to live here with you because you can't make adult decisions." I said and Megan sighed.

"She has a point Chris, but Chris also has a point too." Megan said and I groaned.

"Don't be on his side just because he pays you." I said and Megan looked at me shocked.

"Sorry..." I said and felt like an ass.

"He is paying you now too." Megan said and I groaned.

"Trust me I know." I said.
"Listen, you staying here wouldn't be a bad thing to keep him in line but Chris you have a girl move in, I can only spin the personal assistant and best friend line so far but you know media." Megan said and Chris groaned.

"Fine, I get it." Chris said and I smiled at him.

"I will be here every morning and all day. Trust me you wont want to live with me, you will be tired of seeing me." I said and Chris smiled and winked as he left the kitchen.

"Is there anything between you two?" Megan asked and I shook my head.

"No why?" I asked.

"Just there is flirting and some tension." Megan said and I shook my head.

"Megan, I have known the whole family since I was 5. Chris used to pull my braids when we were kids. It's just us being us. There is more of a brother sister relationship there. I am his no bullshit friend. I will call him out on his shit, tell him when he is wrong and don't use him for his status. He is just Chris to me and that's it." I explained to Megan and she smiled.

"Okay good, I don't need any more media circus around him dating." Megan said and I smiled.

"I will keep him under control." I said and Megan smiled.

"Thank you." Megan said. We then continued to talk over upcoming events and get everything done. As Megan was about to leave Chris came walking in with Dodger.

"I am taking Dodger for a walk." Chris said.

"I can go with you and we can go over your schedule." I said and he nodded as we walked Megan out and then we headed out of the house.


That night I stayed at Chris's for dinner and we ordered in. I sat on his couch going over his schedule and inputting dates in my phone and syncing my phone with Chris's. He walked up to the piano and started playing and I looked at him and smiled. I loved when he played but then he started singing.

🎵Here's to all the late night drunk phone calls that you picked up
Here's to all the bad decisions that you didn't judge
All the "love yous" and the "hate yous" and the secrets that you told me
Here's to everyone but mostly us
There's a couple billion people in the world
And a million other places we could be, but you're here with me
Take a moment just to take it in
'Cause every high and every low led to this
I'm just so glad you exist
Hey, look, what a hello from a stranger turned into
Caught up in a moment like it's just us in this room
All the right words at the right time
And you know 'em 'cause you know me better than anyone else
We don't need anyone else

There's a couple billion people in the world
And a million other places we could be, but you're here with me
Take a moment just to take it in
'Cause every high and every low led to this
I'm just so glad you exist
Don't you ever go, don't you ever go, don't you ever go changing
Never let me go, never let me go, never let me go, baby
Don't you ever go, don't you ever go, don't you ever go changing
Never let me go, never ever let me go, never let me go, baby
There's a couple billion people in the world
And a million other places we could be, but you're here with me
Take a moment just to take it in
'Cause every high and every low led to this
I'm just so glad you exist

Once he was done singing I laughed at the song.

"Really?" I asked and he smiled.

"I am glad you exist, if you didn't who knows where I would be." Chris said and I groaned.

"You act like I have run your life our whole lives." I said and Chris shrugged coming to sit next to me.

"You kind of have. You kept me straight in school when you became my tutor when I was failing even thought you were 2 years behind me, you were my back up prom date when that girl bailed on me, I was your prom date to make you ex-boyfriend jealous. A million other examples, I am just happy to have you in my life and now that you are helping me I know I can try to change my life." Chris said and I shook my head and rolled my eyes. He smiled at me and I laid my head on his shoulder giving him, his phone back.

"All synced, and I also went through your contacts and deleted some numbers." I said and Chris looked at me in shock.

"Excuse me?" Chris asked.

"Chris, you had numbers in your phone titled Blonde girl, blue eyes, brunette, highlights, blue shirt, baby blue....yeah don't think those were numbers you needed to keep." I said and Chris groaned but didn't say anything.

"I know that probably pissed you off but no more booty calls with me around Chris. I am not cleaning up those messes for you and Megan is tired of doing it too." I said and Chris half nodded.

"Whatever." Chris said. I was about to say something but food was delivered. I answered the door and got the food and we sat in the living room and watched a movie while we ate. This was comfortable with Chris just food and a movie.

"Chris promise me something...." I said and Chris paused the movie.

"What?" He asked looked at me.

"Me taking this job wont hurt our friendship. You are my best friend and I don't want to lose that just because I am controlling your life." I said and Chris huffed a laugh and I smiled.

"You will always be my best friend Ari." Chris said and kissed my cheek. 

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