Chapter 21

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A few days after I lost the baby I was coming out of the room more but I was still somewhat silent and not talking much. I came down from my bedroom I found Chris in the kitchen. He walked up to me when he saw me and went to give me a kiss and I turn my head so he kissed my cheek, he sighed but took it.

"You hungry?" Chris asked and I shrugged.

"I guess." I said and he handed me a plate with a waffle and some strips of bacon.

"You made waffles?" I asked and gave a small smile.

"Whenever you were upset as a kid my mom always made you waffles to help cheer you up so I got her recipe." Chris said and I smiled a little bigger at him.

"Thank you." I said and Chris nodded. He finished cooking his food and sat beside me.

"I need to talk to you about something." Chris said and I looked at him.

"About you sneaking in and sleeping with me every night and being gone by the time I get up?" I questioned and Chris sighed.

"Ari, I'm sorry I refuse to sleep alone." Chris said and I sighed shaking my head.

"But no, that wasn't it." Chris said as he grabbed a folder from further down the island and handed it to me. I opened it and instantly closed it.

"No." I said and shoved the folder back at him.

"Ariana, please. You need to see someone and so do I." Chris said and I shook my head.

"You want to see someone, fine but I am fine." I said.

"You are not fine! You have been holed up in the room since we got home. You just started coming down to eat and then you go right back up and I don't want that anymore! I want my wife back!" Chris yelled.

"And I want my baby back!" I yelled getting up and walking out of the kitchen. As I reached the bottom on the stairs I heard a crash in the kitchen and Chris yell.

"FUCK!" I walked back quietly and looked in to see the plates we had breakfast on scattered on the floor and broken and Chris sitting with his head in his hands crying. Chris was always the strong one, the levelheaded one...this was not the Chris I knew, he was broken too. I walked in and was careful where I stepped. Once I reached Chris I wrapped my arms around him and held him. He turned on the stool he was sitting on and hugged me back.

"We need help Ari." Chris said and we both cried.


We were sitting on the couch in the therapists office a few days later, neither of us saying anything.

"Okay I need both of you to understand this is a safe space. You want to work through anything we discuss it here." The therapist Dr. Miller said. I sighed.

"I just need to know once and for all what his real feelings were on me having another mans baby." I said and Chris sighed and looked at the therapist.

"I don't know why it's that big of a deal." Chris said and I groaned.

"Exactly my point. You don't want to talk about it because if we have to talk about when I got pregnant we have to talk about Vegas and you don't want to talk about Vegas. Which means you regret marrying me." I said and Chris groaned.

"That is not true and you know it! I wish I could make you understood Vegas was never a mistake and never will be a mistake. We may have been drunk but I wanted to marry you ever since we were kids and you made me play house with you and I was the husband and you were the wife. I have wanted you my entire life. Was I happy about how it happened? No of course not because you deserve the wedding of your dreams. Now to the pregnancy, was I happy it wasn't my kid, no, I wasn't, I was pissed. I deserve a kid with my wife that is one part her and one part me. Was I willing to accept it? Of course I was because it was part you and any part of you in a kid would be amazing. Ari, you are everything to me and I don't want anything else but you." Chris said and grabbed my hand and I gave a small smile. He just laid everything out.

"Chris, I love you and I am so sorry that I have been closed off. I didn't think how this would affect you. I thought you wouldn't care since it wasn't your child. Then I heard you in the kitchen the day we got back from the hospital with your mom and I just couldn't handle hearing that." I said and Chris nodded.

"Ariana, how do you feel now?" Dr. Miller asked. I took a deep breath.

"Empty." I said.

"Can you elaborate? Let Chris in." Dr. Miller said.

"Empty. I had a life growing inside of me and it was everything to me from the minute I found out. I had no clue it was there until the test but once I found out and had the ultrasound, it was real. I know it sounds dumb but I don't remember how to be before I found out. We were happy, living newlywed life and I just want that back." I said and Chris nodded.

"Me too." Chris said. I face Chris on the couch and he smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck and just hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me.


Once we got home I looked at Chris as smiled since he held my hand the whole way home and then in the house. We sat on the couch and Chris pulled me into his lap causing me to laugh.

"You seem better after therapy." Chris said and I nodded.

"I feel a little better. I might go a few more times." I said and Chris nodded.

"You do whatever you need to do and maybe I will even go with you." Chris said and I smiled. I wrapped my arms around his neck and moved to straddle him as he rested his hands on my hips.

"I want us back. I mean I miss those sex crazy freaks." I said and Chris laughed.

"I do too." Chris said and I laughed.

"Now because we can't become those freaks again I have to get clearance from Dr. Clarkson but you best believe once I do...." I said and Chris smiled and I leaned down and kissed him. When we broke apart I leaned my forehead against his.

"I am moving back to the bedroom, it wasn't right us being in the bed upstairs. I also need you to know, it's going to be hard for me some days and I may wake up sad or not in a good mood. Please just bear with me during all of this." I said and I cupped his face when I pulled my forehead off of his.

"Whatever you need, however you feel, I am here for you. I am yours husband and I will always be here." Chris said and I smiled and leaned down and laid my head on his shoulder and placed a few gentle kisses on his neck. I heard him groaned and I smiled.

"Don't tease me Ari, we can't do anything." Chris said and I lifted my head and slid down his body off his lap to the floor between his legs.

"We may not be able to anything but I can help you out." I said and started to undo his belt and jeans. Once I sprung him free I smiled seeing him already so erect for me. I smiled up at him and I licked the underside of him along the veins and I heard his sharp intake of breath. I then licked around his head and slowly slid down on him.

"Ari, don't tease." Chris said in labored breath and I moaned on him and I watched him throw his head back as I came back up gently running my teeth along him. I then quickly went back down on his taking him all the way in and he groaned. I started bobbing using my hand in rhythm with my mouth and I felt him tense in my mouth and moved my hand down to his balls and starts playing with them.

"Ari...." Chris cried out as he gripped the couch and released in my mouth and I smiled once I took his whole load and swallowed. I got from the floor and Chris fixed his pants.

"Damn." Chris said and I smiled.

"Again, I am all about pleasing my husband right now." I said and cuddled into his side on the couch.

"I love you so much." Chris said and I smiled up at him from where my head was on his chest.

"And I love you." I said and Chris smiled.

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