Chapter 25

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I opened the door to the house and let Dodger run in before me.

"Hey bubba!" Chris said as Dodger ran up to him sitting on the couch. I walked in, took my shoes off and set my bag down. I looked at Chris from the doorway to the living room.

"Hey." Chris said.

"Hi." I said and he sighed. I walked in and sat on the coffee table right in front of Chris. He hung his head.

"You wanted to talk Chris, you start." I said and he grabbed my hands. When he did I noticed her started playing with my wedding set moving it around. He only did this when he was nervous. I gave a small smile watching him do this.

"Ari, I fucked up." Chris said and I nodded.

"Chris..." I said and he shook his hand.

"This entire marriage I have fucked up. I wasn't sure how to make this work. My parents had a good marriage until it wasn't and that's all I can see is the wasn't part. I don't want that, I want a marriage with you that make people sick when they see us together because we are so happy and in love. I want the fairytale. I want it all with you. I know my words may not hold much merit and I would understand if they didn't I just want you to know how much I love you and how sorry I am." Chris said and I met his eyes and saw them full of tears and a few falling down his face. I took one of my hands out of his hold and wiped them away. I rested a hand on his cheek.

"Chris, I love you and that will never change, you know that. I just need to know things will change, you have a lot to prove Evans." I said and Chris gave a small smile.

"You hurt me when you invited them. What even possessed you to do that?" I asked and he sighed.

"I thought for sure I would be able to control them or keep them calmer than usual. In turn I thought I would be able to control myself around them. When I found your note on my pillow I knew I fucked it up for good. I didn't think I deserved you, I still don't sometimes. I wanted to come to Shanna's last night and talk to you but I knew you were mad. I wanted to come this morning but I wasn't sure of your mood and I was giving you time. After I text you and you told me to leave it alone. I just groaned knowing I messed it all up and you were gone for good. I played you the song not because I know you swoon when I sing to you but because I did screw it all up and I needed to tell you how sorry I was with how I knew you would listen." Chris said. I smiled at the swoon comment.

"Well you are right, when you sing I swoon and that was true this time too." I said and Chris smiled.

"We just need to work on on on everything." Chris said and I nodded. I leaned in and gave him a small kiss.

"I love you Evans." I said once we broke apart.

"I love you more Evans." Chris said and I laughed. I shook my head.

"That sounds weird coming from you." I said and he nodded.

"I love you Ari." Chris said and I nodded.

"Much better." I said and kissed Chris again.

"Now getting on the topic of the guitar...." I said and Chris huffed a laugh.

"I know, I sucked." Chris said and I shook my head.

"No it was very good and dare I say sexy...." I said and Chris groaned with a smiled.

"Was it now?" Chris asked and I nodded and leaned in and passionately kissed him as he pulled me up from the table to stand with him. He lifted me by the back of my thighs and I wrapped my legs around him as he carried me to the bedroom. Once we were in the room he stood up at the foot of the bed and we started stripping each other quickly, he then pushed me back onto the bed, I laughed as I crawled back and he spread my legs and crawled between my legs positioning himself. Chris smiled at me as he grabbed his hard member and ran the head up and down my slit.

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