Chapter 7

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We had spent a couple days in LA and Chris did his photoshoots and everything. We were finally on the plane back to Boston after have 2 delays and I could tell Chris was getting antsy.

"You okay?" I asked as the plane took off.

"Yeah." Chris said shortly and I groaned.

"No you aren't, again known you forever. What's wrong?" I asked and Chris groaned.

"It's just the delays upset me..." Chris said and I groaned.

"Sweetie, you can't let that upset you or make you panic. We are on the plane now and everything is okay, I promise." I said and Chris sighed, I took his hand and noticed he was shaking. I sighed and reached in my bag and got out my sketch pad and some pens. I drew a tic-tac-toe board.

"What are you doing?" Chris asked.

"Distracting you." I said and he chuckled and I made the first move. We played for a good hour and Chris was finally calmed down and relaxed and I smiled.

"Thank you." Chris said and I smiled.

"It's what I am here for." I said and Chris groaned.

"You are here for more than calming me down Ari, you know you mean so much more to me than that." Chris said and I nodded and placed my head on his shoulder. I didn't say anything else and Chris rested his head on mine and we drifted off to sleep.


 Once we got off the plane and I got set up at home with Dodger being brought back by Scott I went to leave.

"You need anything before I go?" I asked and Chris shook his head. He walked me to the door and gave me a hug.

"So our first trip together was a success." Chris said.

"Chris we have traveled together before." I said and he shook his head.

"Right but never as employer and employee." Chris said and that comment rubbed me wrong.

" work colleagues." I said and he groaned as I opened the door.

"Ari...." Chris said and I shook my head.

"It's fine Chris, I will be by tomorrow morning. We got to go over some press tour stuff for Lightyear." I said and walked out shutting the door behind me. I groaned once I reached the car knowing I had no right to be mad at Chris but he didn't have to say what he said. I just drove straight to Justin's house knowing I just needed my boyfriend. I knocked and he excitedly opened the door and passionately kissed me gently pulling me into the door. He pinned me against the door and quickly removed my top and I removed his.

"I would say someone missed me." I said he smiled kissing me again.


I was laying with Justin on his couch just watching some tv and he sighed.

"So before you left, things didn't go well with Chris." Justin said and I smiled.

"No, no they did not." I said and he groaned.

"I am willing to try again." Justin said and I shook my head.

"It's fine Justin. I don't expect my friend and boyfriend to always get along. I will just keep those 2 lives separate." I said.

"If that's what you want..." Justin said.

"It's what I want." I said and he half nodded.

"There is something else on your mind...spill." I said and he groaned.

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