Chapter 27

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*****A month later*****

It was New Year's Eve, Chris and I were throwing a party for the family. Once we were all set up I walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

"Hey, you almost done? I still have to take a shower." Chris said coming in the bathroom. I opened the door slightly and looked out to see him.

"You could have joined me...." I said and groaned and smiled.

"I could have and it's so tempting but I was finishing up some things." Chris said and I smiled and held out my hand to him.

"Join me now." I said and sighed and undressed getting in the shower knowing he wasn't going to win the fight. He got in the shower and I pushed him against the wall and passionately kissed him and he groaned as I instantly dropped to my knees in front of him.


Once we finished we got out of the shower and I started looking on the sink counter.

"No, no, no, no." I panicked and started looking around everywhere.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked putting his wedding band back on.

"My wedding set, its missing. I laid it right here and now it's gone." I said and Chris looked at me in shock.

"Ari, seriously? It probably slid and went down the drain." Chris said and I groaned.

"Don't say that, it couldn't have, it has to be here." I said and I started looking on the floor and everywhere.

"Ari, calm down. Did you maybe take it off in the room or not put it on this morning and it beside the bed?" Chris asked and I rushed in the bedroom. I tore my nightstand apart and couldn't find it.

"Chris...." I said as my eyes filled with tears. He walked up to me and cupped my face give me a small kiss.

"It's okay. We can call a plumber in a couple of days since they wont be open tomorrow and we will have them come and get the ring from the drain." Chris said and I shook my head.

"I'm such an idiot...." I said and Chris shook his head.

"Sweetie, it's fine. It was an accident. Everything will be okay, I promise." Chris said.

"I just feel naked without the ring." I said and Chris smiled.

"Well...if you have to wear a ring...." Chris trailed off and went to the top dresser drawer and lifted the stack of his t-shirts and pulled out a small pouch. He walked over to me and pulled the fake diamond ring from the Vegas wedding out and I laughed.

"Want to wear it?" Chris asked and I nodded as he slid it on my finger and I smiled. He wiped away the few tears I had that escaped.

"I'm sorry..." I said and he chuckled.

"Love, it's okay, accidents happen. We will get it back and if not, I will buy you a new one." Chris said and I shook my head.

"I don't want a new one, I want that ring." I said and Chris nodded and gave me another kiss.

"Well wear the fake ring now and we will get the other back. Now get dressed, everyone will be here soon." Chris said and I nodded going to the closet to get my dress. I put on a cream and black stripped sweater dressed that had a black belt around the waist and small front pockets. Chris changed into a long sleeve sweater that was gray and black thin stripped and black dress slacks. Once we were dressed we smiled at each other. He grabbed my phone from the dresser and took a picture of us together, this had become custom with Chris, almost like he was documenting our lives. He called Dodger in the room and I looked at him oddly.

"Family photo." Chris said and I nodded with a laugh. Once we took the picture of all of us I posted it to social media with the caption:

-Happy New Year! Love, The Evans Family ❤.-

Chris smiled when he saw the post since I tagged him in it. He liked and shared it then we left the bedroom. Soon the party was underway and I smiled at the kids, Chris and Scott playing a video game, Chris and Scott were losing horribly. I was standing with Carly and Shanna and Shanna grabbed my left hand.

"Where is your wedding set?" Shanna asked and I groaned.

"We think it fell down the drain in the bathroom sink. I'm devastated." I said and I heard Chris groan.

"I told her we will get it in a few days and if we can't find it I will get her a new ring." Chris said and I groaned.
"And I don't want a new one." I said rolling my eyes.

"So what ring is this?" Carly asked and I laughed.

"The fake ring from Vegas that I got married with." I said and they all laughed.

"Well at least you had something to wear." Carly said and I nodded.

"Yeah I know it's fake and everything but it's sentimental which is why I am happy we didn't get rid of it." I said and the girls nodded. 


About 10 minutes before midnight Chris pulled me away from his family and pulled me into the room with the piano and Christmas tree. He had set it the room up with tons of candles everywhere and rose petals all over the floor.

"Chris?" I asked and he sat me on the piano bench and sat beside me and started playing.

🎵Four letter word
But I don't have the guts to say it
Smile 'til it hurts
Let's not make it complicated
We've got a story
And I'm about to change the ending
You're perfect for me
And more than just a friend
So we can just stop pretending now
Gotta let you know somehow
I'll be your shelter
I'll be your storm
I'll make you shiver
I'll keep you warm
Whatever weather
Baby I'm yours
Be your forever, be your fling
Baby I will be your everything
We used to say
That we would always stick together
But who's to say
That we could never last forever
Girl, got a question
Could you see yourself with somebody else?
'Cause I'm on a mission
And I don't wanna share
I want you all to myself right now
I just wanna scream it out
No matter what you do
Oh, I'll be there for you
And every time you close your eyes
I will be by your side
'Cause every time you make me sing
Baby I will be your everything
I'll be your shelter
I'll be your storm
But I'll make you shiver
I'll keep you warm
Whatever weather
Baby I'm yours
Be your forever, be your fling
Baby I will be your everything🎵

Once he was done singing he got off the bench and I turned around to see him kneeling on the floor in front of me.

"Ariana, this is how it should have happened years ago, when I knew I was in love with you. I should have dated you and then properly proposed to you. This is what you deserve, you deserve everything and I will spend my entire life giving you that. I want to be your husband forever, you are my forever Ariana. In Vegas when we got married it was like we were gambling on our lives and love. Let's bet on us, bet on love and go all in. Let's make this a lifetime commitment, will you marry me...again?" Chris asked and pulled my engagement ring from his pocket and I gasped as he smiled at me.

"I'm already Ariana Evans, I want to keep it that way." I said and Chris smiled, took off the fake ring and put my engagement ring from the set I had on. He stood us both up and I passionately kissed him. Once we broke apart I punch him in his chest.

"You stole me set!" I said and he laughed.

"I had to, I'm sorry I upset you." Chris said and I smiled shaking my head.

"All for a good cause." I said and Chris nodded. We heard everyone in the other room counting down and then everyone yelling Happy New Year. I looked at Chris and smiled.

"Happy New Year Husband." I said and he smiled.

"Happy New Year Wife." Chris said and leaned in passionately kissed me. 

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