Chapter 30 -FINAL

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"Vegas?! You brought us to Vegas?!" Chris asked as the plane landed and I smiled at him. I wasn't letting him in on anything on the travel plans and this whole trip was a shock to him. We had left Boston the day after the reception since it went on longer than we expected.

"This is just stop one." I said and Chris leaned over in the seat and kissed me. Once we got off the plane and headed to the hotel Chris laughed again.

"Staying here again?" Chris asked on the elevator again after we checked in and I nodded since it was the hotel from a year ago.

"We had a room upgrade though." I said as the elevator stopped and Chris saw we were in the honeymoon suite. We walked to the door and I opened it and went to walk in. Before I could Chris grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him.

"I don't think so." Chris said and quickly picked me up bridal style and carried me into the room and to the bedroom. He tossed me on the bed, I giggled as he started to undo his jeans and I smiled getting the hint and started to undo mine and wiggle out of them. Once we were both fully undressed Chris jumped to hover over me on the bed and I smiled up at him.

"4 months of not having sex is too damn long." Chris growled and passionately kissed me. We had decided after the IUD was removed that we would just sustain from sex which killed both of us, caused a lot of nights we slept apart to fight temptation. As Chris kissed me he moved his lips down to my neck, shoulder and my chest. He stopped and teased my nipples and I arched my back. Chris smiled but continued to kiss down my body stopping at my slit and started licking up and down.

"Don't fucking tease." I said leaning up on my elbows to look at him as he smiled. He opened me up and I instantly felt his mouth sucking my clit as he shoved 2 fingers in me and starting pumping them in and out. I reached down and held his head right where it was as my hips moved with him and I started shaking.

"Oh god..." I moaned out as I released and Chris kept working me through my orgasm. Once I was done he kissed up my body to my lips and passionately kissed me.

"That was a record fast time babe." Chris said and I laughed.

"4 months Chris....4 months." I said and he laughed.

"You mean 4 months of not having this...?" Chris asked and thrusted into me and I cried out.

"Yes, that." I said and Chris continued to slowly thrust in and out as I wrapped my legs around him and he leaned down and kissed me again. He then put his hands behind my back and lifted me up into his lap and my body was crushed against his. I placed my arms around his neck to hold on to him and have leverage. Chris leaned his forehead against mine and I started moving on him doing the work. He moved his forehead and went to my neck and started kissing, he worked his way up to my ear.

"You ready for me baby, I am going to fill you up so good." Chris whispered in my ear and I moaned as I clenched him and I heard his intake of breath and he felt it.

"Oh you are ready." He whispered in my ear again and then nipped my earlobe. I grabbed the back of his hair and pulled his face to mine as passionately kissed him as we both released. Once we rode out the orgasms, Chris laid me down and then he laid beside me as we caught our breath. I cuddled into his side as I covered us up.

"We aren't leaving this bed at all. I don't care about Vegas anymore." Chris said and I laughed.
"Trying to get me pregnant Evans?" I questioned and he chuckled.

"That would be a bonus, we just have 4 months tomake up on." Chris said and I smiled at him.


We only stayed in Vegas for a few days and then we were back on a plane heading to our next location.

"Now I will give you a hint that we aren't leaving the United States....per say." I said and Chris laughed.

"That's a horrible hint." Chris said and I laughed giving him a kiss as he placed a hand on my cheek. He started to move down to my jaw and then my neck.

"We are on a plane Mr. Evans...." I said and he groaned.

"Mile high club." Chris said and I laughed.

"I'm always up for sex with you but I don't think so." I said and Chris laughed.

"You will just have to wait until we land." I said and Chris nodded. Once we landed Chris looked at me and laughed.

"Really?" Chris asked and I shrugged.

"You don't know why we're here." I said and Chris smiled.

"There is only one reason to come to Florida." Chris said and I laughed. Once we got off the plane, we had a car pick us up and take us straight to Disney. We checked into our resort. I looked at Chris as we got in the room.

"So not leaving the United States per say deals with epcot..." Chris said piecing it all together.

"Yep." I said and Chris shook his head.

"You thought of everything Mrs. Evans." Chris said and I smiled.

"Sex at that allowed?" I asked and Chris laughed as he walked up to me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Well it is called the happiest place on earth." Chris said and I smiled as he leaned in and kissed me. Once we broke apart he leaned his forehead against mine, closing his eyes, sighing.

"What's wrong?" I asked taking a hand from around his neck and placed it on his cheek. He just smiled.

"Nothing is wrong, everything is perfect. I have the most perfect wife, who didn't only marry me once but twice and planned the most fantastic honeymoon taking everything I wanted and love into account. How did I get so damn lucky?" Chris asked and I laughed.

"We got drunk in Vegas babe." I said and he laughed and kissed me again as he lifted me and took me to the bed.


*****8 years later*****

"DAD! We are going to late!" My 7-year-old son Alex yelled from the front door and I groaned as I got his twin 5-year-old sisters Lexi and Lindsay's jackets from the closet.

"Alex, stop yelling." I said and he groaned.

"Mom, you don't understand because you're a girl." Alex said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Moms know about football too Alex." I said as I walked the girls to the door to wait with their brother.

"Christopher! Let's go!" I yelled.

"I'm coming, sorry. I'm a little slow moving today." Chris said smiling at me and I just raised my eyebrows.

"Problem?" I asked as he put his jacket on and he just smiled and kissed me.

"You know why I'm slow-moving miss "I need you 4 times since last night"." Chris whispered in my ear and I smiled at him.

"Don't blame me, blame these damn hormones." I said rubbing my little bump on my stomach. Chris smiled.

"DAD...Lets go! Stop kissing mom!" Alex said and I looked at Chris.

"Football crazy, clearly your son." I said he laughed. We walked out of the house to the park where the pee-wee football game was being held. I saw Lisa, June, Josh, Scott,Hailey and Sebastian who were now married had a baby on the way sitting on the bleachers that were set up.

"Girls, look." I said pointing. They got huge smile and ran ahead of me.

"Be careful!" I yelled after them. I looked back Chris.

"Go coach, they need you." I said pointing to the sidelines. He smiled and pulled me into a passionate kiss.

"Coach Evans we are in public." I said and he smiled.

"Call me that later tonight." Chris whispered in my ear

"You can bet on it." I said and he walked over to the sidelines. 

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