Chapter 18

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Chris and I were sitting on the couch after I got home from talking to Justin.

"So he took the news okay?" Chris asked and I groaned.

"We have discussed this already..." I said and Chris sighed.

"No, you said it went fine. I want to know what happened." Chris said and I sighed.

"I showed him the ultrasound and told him the timeline we were given matches up with Vegas and since I slept with him and you there was a chance. He was shocked, reprimanded me for not being more careful and that was that. He said once we find out he doesn't care. He said I left him for you so you can have his child and take care of it. He wants the lawyers to work up legal paperwork for him to give up all parental rights if he is the father." I said and Chris groaned and pulled me to his side as we cuddled on the couch. He kissed the top of my head.

"Well fine, once the DNA results come back that we had at the appointment we will take whatever action then." Chris said and I smiled with a nod. We turned on the tv as Chris watched a sporting event that was on I just dozed off to sleep with my head on his chest. I was awoken by Dodger barking and Megan walking in the house.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Megan yelled seeing us.

"First you two just get married and I have to deal with that, now you are pregnant and don't tell me! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!" Megan asked sitting on the coffee table in front of us and we just looked at her.

"What are you talking about? How do you know?" I asked and she showed me her phone.

-Ex boyfriend tells all! Ariana Evan's Ex claims she is pregnant and she isn't sure who the baby daddy is.-

The headline on the website said and I groaned putting my head in my hands.

"What the hell Ari?!" Megan asked pissed off.

"Yeah I'm pregnant, yeah he could be the dad but he told me he was going to sign away rights." I said and Megan sighed.
"We got the DNA test done at the doctors office today and we are waiting for the results." Chris said and Megan gave a sigh of relief that we thought about that.

"When will you know?" She asked

"Next couple of days. We were only able to compare it to Chris. If it doesn't match him then it will be Justin." I said.

"No one else is an option?" Megan asked and I looked at her annoyed and pissed.
"Excuse me?! What are you trying to say?" I asked pissed off.

"Hey calm down." Chris said placing a hand on my back. I groaned and sat back on the couch.

"I wasn't implying you are a slut, I'm just saying I don't want any other surprises." Megan said and I groaned.

"No, this is it." I said and she sighed.

"What do you want me to do? I mean I have to get ahead of this." Megan said and I groaned and looked at Chris.

"I don't want to announce this pregnancy this way." I said and Chris nodded.

"Can you just come out and say his allegations are false?" Chris asked and Megan nodded.

"I will say it's a statement from you both." Megan said and I nodded.

"Sounds good." I said and Megan grabbed a hand that was in my lap.

"Just stay calm okay? I will work this all out." She said and I nodded. She gave Chris a half smile and walked out.

"I knew I should have had him sign an NDA." I groaned.

"Hey, you had no clue. It's fine Ari, Megan will fix it. You know how this works." Chris said and I huffed a laughed.

"Been cleaning up your messes for years." I said and Chris groaned as I kissed his cheek. We were both silent for a minute and I rubbed my stomach.

"What do we do if this is Justin's baby. What do we tell the media? What do we tell your family?" I asked and Chris groaned.

"Sweetie, you are jumping to conclusion and you need to worry about staying calm. Don't stress yourself or the baby. Justin is an ass and we know he is, we will get through this and my statement from before is true, I don't care who the dad is, this baby is ours." Chris said and I passionately kissed him.


I was sitting with Chris as we ate lunch a few days later. The buzz had not died out, it seemed whoever would listen, Justin was talking to so we had become prisoners in our own home. We finished and I was doing dishes when Chris came up behind me and rested his hands on my stomach and rubbed.

"I wish they would just call. I feel like I cant be excited anymore." I said and Chris sighed and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Ari, no matter what you should be excited, I mean you get to be a mom." Chris said and I shrugged.

"I guess." I said and Chris groaned and turned me to look at him placing my arms around his neck.

"I'm excited, this baby is clearly the best thing to happen to us. I never imagined having a family with anyone other than you. I am happy to finally have my dream come true." Chris said and leaned in and passionately kissed me. He turned me and lifted me up onto the counter and I smiled as he spread my legs and stepped between them.

"I think you need to relax." Chris said and I smiled as he started kissing my neck.

"You have a way to make that happen?" I asked and he chuckled against my neck.

"I have my ways..." Chris said and his hand move under my the hem of the t-shirt dress I as wearing. He trailed his fingers up my thigh and reached between my legs. He could feel my wetness through my panties.

"These pregnancy hormones are killing me." I said and Chris laughed as he passionately kissed me as he rubbed me through my panties.

"Chris please...." I said breaking our kiss and placing my head on his shoulder.

"No, no, no baby, look at me. I want to see you come undone." Chris said and I lifted my head and smiled at him as he moved my panties off to the side as he pulled me to the edge of the counter and stuck in 2 fingers and I shook my head.

"As much as your fingers are amazing Evans, I want something else." I said and started to undo his belt and he smiled.

"What the wife wants she gets." Chris said and we smiled as I pulled him from his pants and the fell down to the floor with his boxers. He thrusted in me gently and I cried out.

"God..." I said as he thrusted hard in me and kissed my neck as he did.

"It's not going to take long babe." Chris said and I nodded as he thrusted against me harder and my breathing started to become more labored. Chris placed his hands on tops of mine on the counter, placing his forehead against mine.

"Cum...cumming." I stuttered out exploding on Chris and he released right after me. Once we both finished Chris pulled out and we both righted our clothes.

"Relaxed?" Chris asked and I laughed.

"Very relaxed, thank you." I said and gave him a quick kiss as I jumped off the counter. He shook his head as we headed to the living room. Dodger sat looking out the front window.

"I wish we could take him for a walk. This isn't fair for him." I said and Chris nodded. Chris grabbed Dodgers tennis ball from his toy basket.

"Bubba..." Chris said and Dodger looked and jumped up.

"Let's go out back." Chris said and I nodded. As we were about to walk outside my cellphone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Mrs. Evans, this is Doctor Clarkson's office. We have the DNA results for you." I heard the nurse say and I looked at Chris. 

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