Chapter 23

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It was Halloween and Chris insisted we throw one of his parties like he did every year, only problem being the last 3 years I have missed because I didn't want to deal with drunk assholes. Chris insisted we have a couples costume and gave me free range, he didn't know what I had planned. We were in the bedroom getting ready and he looked at me as I did my make up.

"So black tank top, black dress slacks, black belt and black shoes. What the hell am I, a hit man? A ninja? What?!" Chris asked and I laughed.

"You gave me free range and if I tell you, you wont wear it so just get dressed." I said and Chris walked over to me.

"What will you be wearing my darling wife...." Chris said and looked at my outfit on the hanger.

"Blue jean Bermuda shorts and a white button up with white shoes...come on, just tell me." Chris said and I laughed standing up.

"Go get changed as will I and if you cant figure it out then I will tell you." I said and gave him a quick kiss as I grabbed my clothes and started to untie the robe I had on and dropped it. Chris was standing there watching me in my bra and panties.

"Evil, pure evil..." Chris said and I laughed as he went into the bathroom to change. Once he was change and I was tying my white button up he looked at me annoyed when he came out.

"Johnny and Baby from Dirty Dancing....really?" Chris asked and I smiled at him walking up to him and his arms exposed.

"You look hot." I said and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I never should have given you full reign." Chris said and I laughed.

"Sorry babe, too late to change now." I said and we went to walk out of the bedroom and he grabbed my arm pulling me back to him and I smiled. He crashed his lips down on mine and I moaned.

"Okay so this is our first party as a married ready?" I asked and Chris nodded.

"Babe, everything will be fine you need to relax." Chris said and I groaned.

"Don't ever tell a woman to relax Chris, it's a death sentence." I said. He laughed and kissed the tip of my nose.

"Dodger, you staying in here or coming out there?" Chris asked and he got off the bed to follow me.

"Where I go, he goes, you know that." I said and Chris nodded. I walked into the kitchen to check the beer situation and play them in the tubs of ice as the someone knocked on the door and Chris answered to Scott walking with his boyfriend Steve.

"Where is my sister?! She wise up and leave you yet?" Scott called out and I laughed.

"What am I chopped liver?" Chris asked as he hugged Steve.

"I like her more than you." Scott said.

"ARIANA!" Scott yelled not seeing me and I laughed.

"God, calm down. I am right here." I said bringing in beers for everyone. I hugged Scott and handed him his beer and then hugged Steve handing him his and giving Chris his.

"Let me look at you two." Scott said and Chris put his arm around me placing his hand on my bare back and he started making little circles with his fingers.

"Oh my god! You were right, it's perfect." Scott said and I nodded.
"Wait, my brother knew?" Chris asked.

"Your whole family knew." I said and he laughed as more people knocked.

"We should just unlock the door and let people come in." I said and Chris nodded. As Chris went to get the door Scott looked at me.

"Are they coming tonight?" Scott asked and I groaned knowing who he meant.

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