Chapter 9

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It had been a month since Chris and I got drunk and it was finally coming up on my time off and I couldn't be happier. I was sitting in Chris's living room with Scott and Chris.

"Why don't we all go somewhere on break?" Chris asked.

"Because no offense, I want some time away from you and to spend time with my boyfriend who took time off work to spend it with me." I said and Chris groaned.

"But this could be a friends trip, nothing with work related. Just all of us out having a good time." Chris said.

"And we could never agree on a place." I said. Chris groaned.

"Chris, let the girl go on vacation with her boyfriend and just have time off." Scott said.

"I should be happy I still have a boyfriend after that night a month ago." I said and Chris whipped his head to look at me.

"What about it?" Chris asked.

"Me staying here, not calling him...he was worried something happened to me." I said and Chris sighed thinking I remembered the kiss. Scott started laughing.

"What's wrong with you weirdo?" I asked.

"Something you said to me when I put you to bed." Scott said and I sighed.

"Which was?" I asked.

"That Chris was a good kisser." Scott said and I started laughing and Chris faked one.

"There is no way I could know that. I was more drunk than I thought." I said and Scott nodded. My cellphone started ringing.

"I need to take this." I said and got up and headed into the kitchen.

*****CHRIS & SCOTT POV*****

Chris waiting until Ari was out of eyeline and punch his brother in the arm.

"OW! What the hell?!" Scott asked pissed.

"Why did you have to bring up the good kisser thing?" Chris asked.

"Because it was funny, it's not like she would actually know how you kiss." Scott said and then he looked at Chris and could read his face.

"For fucks sake Chris! When?!" Scott asked and Chris groaned.

"That night we got drunk, we broke apart when we heard the door open. I was laying on top of her, making out." Chris said and Scott groaned.

"And she has no clue?" Scott asked and Chris shook his head.

"She doesn't remember. Whether she blocked it out or what but she doesn't remember and I cant bring it up to her and embarrass her." Chris said and Scott groaned.

"You have to tell her Chris! You can't hold on to this!" Scott said and Chris shook his head.

"I can Scott. It's a line we swore as friend we would never cross and I crossed it. I kissed her first. I had to see..." Chris said.

"See what?" Scott asked.

"See if what I was feeling was true." Chris said and Scott groaned.

"Damnit Chris! Do you have feelings for Ariana?" Scott asked and Chris hung his head.

"I did, I do, I can't pinpoint when they started but since she took this assistant job they have grown. She wants to be friends and I just have to stay there." Chris said and Scott groaned.

"This is going to end so bad." Scott said.

"How?" Chris asked.

"Because one of you if not both of you will get hurt eventually." Scott said and Chris just hung his head.

"We will be fine. Everything will be fine." Chris said and then saw Ari come walking back in the room.

*****NORMAL POV*****

I walked back in the room and looked between both guys.

"Something wrong?" I questioned and they both shook their heads.

"Nope, everything is fine." Chris answered and I just shook my head.

"You both are being even more suspicious than usual but whatever." I said and I sat between them on the couch.

"So where are you and Justin thinking of going on vacation?" Scott asked and I shrugged.

"We may just do a staycation here in Boston. I have traveled so much lately." I said and Chris groaned.

"Staycations suck. We all should really go somewhere together. The Evans and Nelson clan hasn't done a trip since spring break your senior year." Chris said and I laughed.

"Yeah Vegas, the trip from hell." I said and we all laughed.

"It really was. Not planned out at all." Chris said and I nodded and then he looked at me and smiled.

"Let's have a Vegas re-do! You can bring Justin and we can just go gamble, drink, eat, take in some shows or whatever we want. Let's go to Vegas!" Chris said and I smiled knowing that sounded like fun. I pulled out my phone and text Justin.

>How would you feel about our vacation not being a staycation but going to Vegas with Chris and his brother and his brothers boyfriend?< I sent to Justin. He answered instantly.

>Actually that sounds like a lot of fun.< Justin said and I was highly confused knowing how he felt about Chris.

>You sure, Chris is coming...< I sent off

"Really Ari?" Chris asked reading over my shoulder and I laughed.

"I know you don't get along with him and I will not have the two of you ruin my trip" I said and Chris smiled.

>Yeah, that's fine. He and I need to find a common ground even if it is you.< Justin said and Chris smiled.

"Justin is on board to come." I said with a smile.

"Well who else was on that trip? I mean Steve and Justin are new but who else went?" I asked.

"What about some of the guys?" Chris asked and hit him in the chest.

"No!" I said and he laughed.

"I was kidding. I think the 5 of us will be amazing." Chris said and I nodded.

"You okay with being the 5th wheel?" I asked Chris and he nodded.

"Totally." Chris said.

"Now I am not your assistant on this trip so you fuck up and hook up with someone I am not there to save you or shove an NDA at you. You have to be a big boy and do it yourself." I said and Chris groaned.

"Yes ma'am." Chris said and I groaned rolling my eyes as I saw Scott already looking at flights and hotels.

"When are we thinking about this, I need to get my tickets and hotel room booked too." I said and Scott shook his head.

"No you don't, your employer is paying for it all." Scott said and I laughed as Chris groaned.

"Okay's the least I can do." Chris said and I kissed his cheek.

"Best boss ever." I said and he smiled putting his arm around me and pulling me into his side to cuddle as he started looking up shows and things to do in Vegas. 

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