Chapter 28

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A month and a half later we were getting everything worked out for the wedding were starting to plan everything out.

"So are we really going to Vegas again?" I asked and Chris nodded.

"We are. Not at the Little White Wedding Chapel this time. We are planning the whole big wedding. Nice hotel ballroom and everything." Chris said and I groaned.

" many people were you really wanting to invite?" I asked and he sighed.

"I don't know, I have to work on a guest list." Chris said and I grabbed a notepad and pen that were on the coffee table I quickly wrote down names and handed it to Chris.

"That is all I want. That's all we need." I said and Chris sighed.

"That's it?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"That's all I need there." I said and Chris kissed me.

"What about bridesmaids and groomsmen?" Chris asked and I shrugged.

"It's so small Chris we don't need them, unless you want one." I said and Chris smiled.

"I mean I think I wanted to have Scott as my best man." Chris said and I smiled with a nod.

"Meaning a need a maid of honor...." I said and Chris nodded and I groaned.

"Your sister." Chris said and I laughed.

"I know...still have to ask her when she gets in town." I said and Chris nodded.

"We got to talk to my parents too. I mean I want my dad to give me away." I said and Chris nodded.

"We haven't really talk to them much." Chris said and I shook my head.

"I have, they weren't happy about Vegas but were happy we were making it work. Trust me your mom and my mom have been talking." I said and Chris laughed.

"Will your parents and sister want to travel to Vegas?" Chris asked and I sighed.

"Why not here in Boston? Where we started, where we live, where we want to raise our family." I said and Chris smiled.

"You really want Boston?" Chris asked and I nodded. I then crawled on his lap and straddled him.

"I would be willing to do anything to get it." I said moving my lips to hover over his. He groaned as I bore down on him.

"Anything?" Chris asked and I nodded and started grinding.

"Anything." I said and he smiled as his lips crashed to mine. I lifted up and put my hands between us undoing Chris's belt and pants. I sprung him free and I moved my panties off to the side after I bunched up my skirt. I slid down on Chris slowly and he threw his head back. I didn't move on him and he glared at me jolting his hips up.

"Boston?" I asked and he groaned shaking his head.

"Vegas." Chris said and I started moving on him grinding back and forth which I knew he loved. He threw his head back and I leaned down and kissed his neck and moved up to his ear.

"Boston." I whispered and nipped on his earlobe. He groaned and still shook his head.

"Vegas." Chris said and I stopped moving and sat up.
"Okay then..." I went to move like I was getting up.

"Oh hell no." Chris growled grabbing my hips holding me to him and I smiled but I didn't start moving again.

"You want to cum Evans?" I asked and he groaned. He just glared at me and I glared back. He could see I wasn't going to be backing down. I gyrated my hips and he growled deep in his throat.

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