Chapter 16

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The next week Chris and I arrived at the hotel in New York and I realized I forgot to book a second room since I didn't want it to be suspicious. Even though we had had sex that one time in the shower we hadn't done it since nor had we shared a bed. Chris and I looked at the one king size bed and sighed.

"I can take the couch." Chris said and I sighed shaking my head. I walked up to him and put my arms around his midsection.

"We are married right?" I questioned with a smiled.

"We are." Chris said wrapping his arms around me.

"And married couples share beds correct?" I asked and Chris acted like he was thinking which made me giggle.

"I believe they do." Chris said and leaned down to kiss me and I moaned in our kiss.

"So...answer me a question..." Chris said.

"What is that?" I asked and Chris smiled as we still held on to each other.

"If these next few days go well of sharing a bed, when we go back home are you moving into my bed?" Chris asked and I smiled, leaned up on my tip toes and kissing Chris.

"Possibly, that is if Dodger gives up his side of your bed." I said and Chris chuckled.

"I think that can be arranged." Chris said and I smiled. He leaned down to kiss me again and as the kiss got deeper he walked us over to the bed and laid me down. As he started to move his lips down my neck there was a knock on the door. I felt Chris groan against my neck as he pushing himself up and walked to the door. I sat up when I saw Chris come walking back in with a bottle of champagne. I smiled at him but looked confused.

"Compliments of the hotel, for the newlyweds." Chris said and I laughed. I took the bottle from him and sat it on the nightstand.

"I don't want that right now." I said and Chris saw the look in my eyes. As he stood in front of me, I undid his belt and pants pushing them down as he kicked off his shoes, pants and boxers. I then had his hard shaft in my face and I smiled as I wrapped my lips around the tip flicking it with my tongue.

"Shit." Chris breathed out as I slowly moved all the way down his shaft getting the whole thing in my mouth. I heard him take a sharp breath when he hit the back of my throat. I started moving up and down on his shaft as Chris placed his hands on my shoulders and moaned. I heard him start to breath heavier and he gripped my ponytail and pulled me off.

"That's not how I am planning on finishing." Chris said and I smiled at him as he helped picked me up by my arms and helped me take my shirt off, causing a smiled with a moan at the black lacy bra. He started kissing my neck and moved down my shoulder moving my bra strap and I felt his hand on my back unhooking my bra and I took it off. Chris reach down and unbuttoned my jeans and slid them with my panties down and he kissed down my body, I moaned at his soft lips and the tickle of his beard. He reach down between my legs and smiled lifting my one leg over his shoulder, I placed my one hand on his other shoulder to hold my balance and my other hand on his head as his mouth opened my slit and started sucking my clit.

"Oh god Chris!" I said and he felt him moan as he took his 2 middle fingers sticking them in me and started to swirl them around inside me hitting my g-spot and he sucked.

"Chris, please stop...please...." I moaned out but he didn't stop. My insides started to clench and started to feel myself about to release.

"I'm cumming." I cried out as I felt my legs start to shake, Chris wrapped his arms around me to hold me up. Once I rode out my orgasm Chris kissed back up my body to my lips. I moaned in his kissed as I ran my hands under his shirt, up his abs to his chest and I took his shirt off. He smiled as he passionately kissed me laying me down on the bed and I smiled as we moved back on the bed and I opened my legs for him causing him to waste no time and thrust in, I smiled and moaned at the feeling. Chris leaned down to my ear.

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